Chapter 3: Initiation Part 2

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     Your head felt as if it had been walloped with a sledgehammer. What happened you think to yourself, you definitely don't remember coming here. Where even is here? What is this place? 

"Sleep well?" 

You freeze for a moment and take a look around. You see that there's three people tied up on the other side of the room, "What the hell...?" You mutter under your breath.  You stare at each of the three people individually for a moment, "Who said that?"

"Up here." The voice says.

You turn to look up at the corner room, there's someone sitting there perched up on a cabinet. They are wearing black and red armour. You can't pinpoint what, but something about those colours are familiar.

"Who are you?" You say, there are hints of fear in your voice but you try to sound as confident and strong as possible. 

"Who am I? Now that isn't important, what is important is not WHO but WHAT I am. And what I am is an admirer. Of... sorts."

A million thoughts are running through your head at the speed of sound, you struggle to try and comprehend what this mysterious individual just said. All you can manage to do is ask more questions, "What? Where... where am I? Who are you?"

The individual sighs, "Does it really matter? You're warm, relatively dry... and still very much alive. That's more than can be said for old Grelod. Hmm?"

"Huh? How do you know about that?"

The individual leans back, you hear a light creak from the wood cabinet as they do so, "How do I know? Half of Skyrim knows. Old hag gets butchered in her own orphanage? Things like that tend to get around. Oh, but don't misunderstand. I'm not criticizing, It was a good kill. She had it coming. And you saved a group of urchins, to boot. Ah but alas, there is a slight... problem."

You can't gather the words you want to say. They're complimenting your execution of Grelod, and they agree she had it coming, but there's a problem? What could— then it hits you. This person is a Brotherhood Assassin. Hence the familiar red and black coloured armour. With this sudden realization you can't help but notice that you're still sitting on the floor. You quickly scamper to your feet and take a step back. Are they here to kill me? You think, how do I get out? I can't let them get the drop on me. You notice the individual has moved their hand to the side, it hovers above their hip, ready to unsheathe their weapon if needed.

You realize you can't make sudden movements, or else it might really be over. If it isn't already. You straighten your back slowly and put your arms down by your sides.

The individual visibly relaxes, but stays leaned forward. They clear their throat, "Ahem, You see, that little boy, Aretino was looking for the Dark Brotherhood. For me, and my associates. Grelod the Kind was, by all rights, a Dark Brotherhood contract. A kill... that you stole. A kill you must repay."

"You want me... to kill someone else..."  you look behind you at the three people bound on the floor. You can figure where this is probably leading, but you ask anyway, "Who?"

The assassin puts a hand up to their mask, as if they're trying to stifle a laugh, "Well, Funny you should ask. As you've already noticed we are joined by three guests. I have gathered them here from... well, that's not important." They continued, "They're here and right now that's all that matters. You see, there's a contract out on one of them, and that person can't leave this room alive. But... which one? Go on, see if you can figure it out. Make your choice and kill them. I just want to observe... and admire."

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