Chapter 1: I'm Packing Up My Crayons & Leaving

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AN: Hope you guys enjoy the first chapter!! Remember to vote and comment, enjoy :)


I am drowning in a wave of adrenaline.

Bright blues, greens, and purples blur my vision as I feel my legs sink into the water, sucking me in like a black hole until I was completely submerged. Hopelessness crept inside me as I tried to climb my way out, flailing my arms around- succeeding in only submerging me deeper into the hole. My adrenaline spiked. I was hit with a scary realization, I'm sinking. I can't get out. I'm scared. I don't know what to do. My feet touch the bottom of the never-ending ocean, and-

"Kalynn, Ms. Nero. Kalynn?"

And when I touched the bottom the first thing-

"Kalynn! Kalynn! KALYNN!"

"What? What!?" I whisper-yell at the voice interrupting my daydream. I look down from the ceiling towards the front of the room to see that Ms. Dylan is now staring daggers at me. I stare back with an unamused look on my face, now noticing that everyone's eyes are on me.

"Kalynn, can you pay attention?" She sheathed.

"I am paying attention, can't you see? I'm looking directly at the board, unlike some people. " I say flashing a knowing smile as everyone's eyes migrate off of me and back to the board.

She sighs deeply," Can you, just- just answer the question on the board."

"Um, let me it-"

"Kalynn Nero to the office please. Kalynn Nero to the office." The monotone voice on the intercom said.

"Saved by Mrs. Rico, huh? Get going Kalynn."

"Whatever you say, Ms. Dylan!" I say as I get up and walk to the front of the room, giving a small salute to my friends and leaving. Walking to the office I wonder what I did this time.

Now standing in front of the office's grey doors I open them to be greeted by groans as the ladies recognize me. I walk to the front passing them, "Hello Ms. Ollie, Ms. Taylors. Oh, Mrs. Woods, how's John?" I lean against the counter, smirking at her.

"He's great Kalynn! Actually, Terry and I are going out on a little date this weekend. Would you babysit John this time? He's been saying that he misses you."

I chuckle, "To be honest I don't know if I can make it, I'd have to squeeze you in between Helen and Shana's kids. "

"Of course, get back to me as soon as you can, sweetie."

"Yeah, I know....Hey, do you- perhaps -know why I was called to the office? I don't think I did anything wrong this time."

"No no-it wasn't you this time be honest, " She waves me closer with her hand, her voice dropping to a whisper, "I saw these two tall, handsome men walk in with Principal Carrie a bit ago. Although one just went to the bathroom."

Two tall men? I shudder. Could this be the FBI coming to get me after they saw my search history? I promise I have a perfect explanation for why I was searching up body bags- okay maybe not so perfect.

Trying to shake off the feeling of dread I smile at Mrs.Woods, "If Terry heard you he would surely throw a fit. " She tuts at my statement and tells me that principal Carrie is ready to see me.

I say bye to the office ladies and push open the light purple door labeled 'principal' at the end of the hall.

What is it with schools and their weird color schemes?

"You do understand that I can't just let her go with you without any prior notice right?"

I haven't opened the door the whole way yet, just a tiny sliver. Enough for me to hear. Sneaky.

"Yes, I also understand that this situation isn't the most ideal, but we do have the paperwork needed to make this transaction." The sound of papers being moved around-

"Uh. Hi?"

Crap. I've been caught, it's okay- it's okay. I bet it's the guy that went to the bathroom! I knew I shouldn't have eavesdropped, damn. Just- just turn around and say that you were meeting with the principal. I slowly turn, making eye contact with another pair of striking blue eyes.

"Who's there?" Principal Carrie yells, when no one answers he comes to the door," Who's - Oh Kalynn and....Mr. Steprov come in come in." I mouth him a sorry, a tight-lipped smile makes its way on his face. Okay, something's definitely wrong, principal Carrie never smiles...hmm. I put my head down in embarrassment, there's no point in hiding now. Walking in, I notice the other rumored man sitting on a red leather couch. He looks up when he hears commotion at the door, again I am met with wide blue eyes. Are these two related perhaps? Brothers? Cousins? Uncle and nephew? Father and son? Just two people that coincidentally have the same shade of blue eyes as each other?

"Kalynn, why don't you sit down in the conference room, I'll call you back in when we're done. Shouldn't take too long, alright?"


"Yeah sure.."

Hesitantly, I walk into one of the conference rooms and sit down at the end chair. The door to the conference room has a little window at the top, so I can see the men outside from where I'm sitting. I stare out at them, both of the blue-eyed FBI agents sit on one side as Principal Carrie sits across from them. They look deep in conversation, seems like after I left the room they became serious again, all of them have furrowed eyebrows. But something was off by the men in black, one serious and the other smirking his ass off, incredibly content with the current situation.

What are they even doing here? Please leave so Principal Carrie can tell me I'm suspended and I don't have to go to school for the rest of the week!

By the time they're done talking, I had been sitting in this stuffy room for over 15 minutes and decided to just chill on my phone, texting my friends as it now was lunchtime. A sturdy and loud knock on the door gets my attention, "You can come in now."

Finally man, I could've graduated college, gotten married, ran for president 18 times, and Ill still not make up for how much time you just wasted.

I open the door and see principal Carrie's balding head first - he smiles a strained smile at me and brings me to sit near him on the empty sofa across from the boys. They're smiling too- but their smiles aren't strained, no, it's filled with joy- and when their eyes meet mine I can see recognition in them.

"Um Kalynn, ther- there is something we.." A glance at the boys across makes me suspicious. Principal Carrie clears his throat,"...We have to talk about, and it's very important that you listen carefully."



"Uh, well-"

One of the guys roll their eyes," You're being adopted, and we're taking you home. Now."

That's it for the first chapter, I think that sometime in the future i'll redo this chapter because I wrote this months ago and it shows, lol. Hope y'all enjoy and buckle in for the ride :)

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