Chapter 0.5 - Soulmate's Apprehension pt2

Start from the beginning

"The ranking process for monsters follows a simple logic, [Small] > [Lesser] > [Great] > [Grand]. Each title before the name shows the process a creature can further grow to evolve. Each creature is different, rarely do monsters evolve more than 3 times. Yet, you went from 'small lesser' to 'lesser' meaning your path of grow is still ongoing and your not at your end of change at all. If a creature has Small or Lesser attached to Grand, that means it's evolve has ended at such a peak that isn't its strongest type of race. Anything with Grand  is the end of its evolution. However, a Great with lesser or small means it's close to the final stage of its evolution end."

"He said how do you know the [SP] and titles of monsters? His asking if you have [Appraisal], I'll let you answer that." (Jan)

"Ohh, asking a lady for her tricks huh? I'll let you off since you're still learning, (giggles). I don't have appraisal, many have tired, but it's hard to get as an adventurer.  Most people who have it were [Scholars] class before they became adventurers. Appraisal is...nearly impossible to get. It requires someone willing to question accurately the means of world's state and be very knowledgeable of their studies, while also inquisitive of all the natural things in the world. I use my stuff, which has an [Inscription Skill: Appraisal Tier 5]. I've seen you have [Appraisal], which means you're quite an intelligent beast once in a blue sky monsters get it. Usually those monster however are...A-tier. You're abnormal by all means...WHICH IS GOOD!"

"You're amazing, using that inscription too requires skill, by the way his embarrassed and not hurt by your analysis Yeshia." His smile to her would make her turn around as she was turning red. Clearly she had the hots for my boy but he was...dumb as a rock to these things that he sensed my annoyance at him, looking confused at me. "Did I do something wrong?"(Jan)

"Huh? What do you mean?" (Yeshia) as he explained my emotions, she would coyly lean over to me with a single a finger to her lips as she winked at me. She and I, understood each other to that extent (Sigh), he appeared bewildered. "How come you understand him better than me even though I'm the one who's bonded!" (Jan)

"Some things, women know~" (Yeshia)
Looking so confused as he looked at me and her as he thought to himself over what that meant as I felt his efforts to understand lose wind as he simply decided to go use the rest of his brains on food. (Sigh) Jan my boy, you don't know how good looking you are, the poor ladies you're going to break down. (Sigh) Not to say Yeshia wasn't a beautiful woman, she was. He was a ten while she was a mere seven. Nih, in the corner of our table still being a weird person watching me, while eating. I will ignore him!

"So how did you get [Appraisal]?" (Nih)  Telling Jan my thoughts as I focused on eating the meat, the flavor was nonexistent, I guess I was still an Ant monster (giggling to myself) as Jan seemed frozen. 'Jan? Is everything alright?'

"Say what!!" The whole tavern would stop as he chocked to silently quiet down as he would grab me and run up as the two followed after us into the room. Closing the door, "h-h-he said he simply spent the points as he selected the skill."

"What? No-that...explain!" (Nih) with a moments he gave details of my thoughts as I was now slowly in a corner confused and worried. Can't they just do the same?

"Okay. Red. You best not be lying now. You mean to tell us you simply selected...the SKILLS?!" Nodding as I slowly moved back away from them, they would shuffle around confused and excited then scared. "I can see why the Gods gave you a blessing. This Ant is a God's off-spring beast. A-a [Divine-Beast]! (Yeshia)

"Wait-wait, I-I can still tame it." (Nih) his own snakes would entangle him as they grew in size as he struggled to shuffle towards as me as I started to giggle while the other two would laugh. Only for the moment to change. "Red." (Jan)

I was Reincarnated as an Ant! Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now