" We can talk about this later " Minju said, you stand and face her.

" Talk about what later ? I don't have anything else to say to you and I won't group with a selfish person like you "

Dropping those words, You grab your bag and was about to leave the classroom not until you heard a familiar voice called your name.

" Park Verna "

Looking at the direction where the voice came from, You look at Chaewon who's now looking at you giving you a warning gaze.

You stared at her blankly before deciding to leave inside the classroom completely.

As a sighed escape on the President she take a sit on her chair again, deciding to just disturbed herself, she's not in the mood to take care of some annoying students.

It's destroying her day, early this morning.

The morning class continued after the recess, and just what your teachers expected you didn't attend again till afternoon.

Like what you always do, sitting on top of the school gazing and watching the skies slowly turning into an orange, a sad smile was formed on your lips.

You're addicted to sunset because of someone and that's Jiu, both of you always watched sunset together till the sun won't be seen anymore.

It became your habit even if she's not with you now, even if you don't have someone to watch the sunset together with you.

Hearing a door creaks, you ignored it thinking that it's just your friends.

But to your surprise it was the President.

" What do you think are you doing here ? " You heard someone spoked behind you, you sigh familiarizing the voice.

" I answered that already " You said still facing the sun.

Noticing that you're gazing up, Chaewon did the same, and she was speechless for a second.

The skies are pretty. It was breathaking.

Hearing no response coming from the president.

You look at your back to see what the hell is she doing, and to your shocked she's doing the same thing that you've been doing ever since you arrived at the rooftop.

Gazing back infront, you decided to spoke.

" isn't it beautiful ? " You asked the president who seems still in daze.

Hearing you talk, Chaewon glances at you before approaching the place where you're sitting at.

" Yeah " Chaewon answered slowly.

" Wanna join me here ? ".

Though you don't know why the hell did you asked the president to stay at the rooftop with you and skip classed too.

Chaewon shake her head, crossing her arms.

" Are you going to join the class ? or rather help me with the works I needed to do ? " Chaewon asked giving you two choices.

You gaze up at her since she's standing, so you stand and face her.

" I rather help you than spend a boring time on the room " You answered, surprising her.

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