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Can't find my IPad and feel creativity that needs to get out- enjoy the chapter

'Fuck you Fiz,' Blitzo thought as he woke up in Stolas's palace. The last thing he remembered is being mocked unconscious when being interrogated by the agents fuckface and Waldo, or whatever they're called. Now he was in a bed, Stolas's bed, with the prince laying asleep next to him. 

He didn't know how he got here, he doesn't know who else is here, but he had the feeling it was the jester's fault. It always seems to be his fault. He caused the fire that got both of them hurt, he was the one who ran to blitzo for help after humiliating him at Ozzie's, and it was him who, somehow, messaged Stolas to save him. Again.

Blitzo fooled out of bed, dragging a pillow with him as he hit the floor, before popping up and dragging himself into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. He made himself some food and stole some valuable looking things before walking out and heading back to his apartment.

When he got there Blitzo imminently began looking around for Fizz's stuff. A hoodie, his phone, heck, even a pencil, anything he could find before going and burning it all.

If Fizz was just going to use him then Blitzo was going to learn from this and never trust him again, and stop anything that might keep him from staying away from the burned imp and any connections he might have to him.
Was this a good idea, he didn't know, he just felt betrayed again after he just felt like he could finally connect with his family again...

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