
894 25 13

Happy (early) birthday to me
La de do de da de
Good thing you can't sue (hopefully-)
Gotta wait for part two


Fizz coughed as he woke up, his eyes snapping open as reddish pink smoke was pulled from his mouth. The color of Asmodeus's smoke...

He quickly sits up, looking around the room in fear only to see a familiar sight. The heart shaped bed with lace curtains drooping around it, making it hard to see anything past the bed. The blankets were a lovely pink with dark pillows and light pink sheets.

This was Ozzie's room....

Fizz wasn't even sure if he was allowed to call him that, after he disappeared and lied about his species. After he ruined his and the establishment's reputation... after he ruined his life...

...why was he here? Was Asmodeus the one to save him? Slowly the memories came back to him, replacing the blurry figure in his memory with the demon and everything made sense.

The smoke, the protective feeling, the big figure- oh god... he called him his Imp....

Tears spilled down his eyes as he slowly connected the dots, trying to figure out what it must have been like for Asmodeus after he disappeared.

Ozzie was always protective, especially with crazy fans. The demon likes to know where Fizz is so he can know where I am if he needs to protect me or can't find me. He must have freaked when I destroyed the tracker and when no one could find me.

And when Stolas stopped by he must have noticed something was wrong and contacted Asmodeus when he learnt about the reveal-
Wait no... the prince likely wouldn't connect that Blitzo acting weird with the species reveal.

Maybe it was Asmodeus who contacted Stolas because of that one night at Ozzie's...

Or maybe he was thinking about this too much.

He heard the door creaking open, snapping him out of his thoughts and theories. He looked up towards the door to see Ozzie walking through the door.

The imp could feel his heart stop, heart beating in his ears. He wasn't sure if it was because of seeing Asmodeus after so long and being scared, or because of the handsome demon's talk figure and visible muscles.

His heart stopped as he locked eyes with the prince.

You get to make a choice
Would you like the boys
To figure out
And learn about
Those that revealed Fizzy?
Keep the characters busy
connecting the dots
And make more plots?

Or I can just write the possibilities of what the person that ruined Fizz's reputation and let you guys/gals/nonbinary pals theories and deside who you think it could be out of the people

Already have reasons and people, undecided who it should be so it's up to you guy's response in the comments if you decide that I should write that and make the course based off of your response

Idk- this is the closest I've ever gotten to finishing a book, so it's up to you

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