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TW: Blood, some torture, and *light* Death

Before I could react on of the agents started attacking me, after I processed that I started to fight back. Either of us could have won but then something pricked my leg and I blacked out.

When I woke up I had felt something cold against my wrists. I tried to move, then realized the cold was from chains, which were connected to the walls. A bad feeling crept up on him.

The imp looked around the room to see if there was a way to escape, but there was none, after a moment he realized he was alone.

He pulled at the chains, hoping to free his wrists or at least have some space so their not stabbing into his wrists, but no luck. Before he could continue he heard faint shouting followed, it sounded like Moxie...

Pulled at my chains again, hard, trying to escape so I can do something, anything, to help- but I can't. I'm stuck here.... I heard someone else shout, but this time in concert for moxie.

"Moxie, are you alright?!" It was Milly this time, worried for her husband. There was pain in Fizz's chest... oh got... It reminded him of how Ausmodeus would react when I got hurt once, there was a touchy visited at the club who climbed up on stage and tried to kiss me. When I declined with an awkward laugh he got mad and started to attack me.

Ausmodus didn't allow it though. The overlord quickly stepped in, hee was so protective and worried, fizz hadn't been scheduled at the club for weeks after that, Ozzie wanted to make sure I healed, and even after I started work again he kept a close eye on me...

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a door sham open. My head snapped to the source of the noise, seeing two agents suddenly walked into the room, looking at their name tags he could see it was agent 1 and agent 2, weird names. Fizz looked up at the two, fear pooling in his gut as he saw the weapons they had in their hands

"...what are you going to do to me?" He finally asked, the tension in the room was so thick, he could have stabbed it with his horn.

"Well well well... the little demon can talk," agent 2 said, smirking, "I was starting to think there was something wrong with you."

My eyes widened as I noticed a bloody knife in the agent's had, "don't worry, we didn't hurt your friends," pausing to wipe some of the blood off on his sleeve, ",too much."

That didn't do anything to help Fizz's fear, 'what did they do to them-'

"Ya see," Agent 2 said, as if hearing the imp's thoughts, "your friends refused to talk, not giving us the information us and our... friends.. wanted."

"W-What are you going to-! mph mm m!?!" The agent shoved a cloth into his mouth

"You're only going to get the gag out when you're willing to talk. From how your fellow demons acted, we're not going to take any chances with you putting up a fight." Agent 1 spat as agent 2 pulled out a knife and passed it to the male agent. "Who knows, maybe it'll get your friends to talk too..."

Fizz closed his eyes, as if not seeing what was going on could stop what was going to happen, but as the cold knife slid across shoulder. A stuttered breath escaped his mouth. While he usually might enjoy such things, this was not one of those times.

Tears screamed down his face as the knife sliced through his shirt, not being careful to avoid skin before plunging itself between two ribs. A scream was pulled from his throat, ripping up his throat as the torture continued.

A second weppon joined in with the torture of the poor imp as both cut through his skin, blood staining his cloths and skin as more and more wounds where made. He was sobbing at that point, his eyes wet and puffy from all the crying.

"The little imp's not so strong anymore, huh?" Agent two laughed. Suddenly the smirks on the agent's faces dropped as things around the room rattled. Stuff was falling over and it felt like an invisible force was in the room.
The lights flickered and a smoke filled the room, that adding onto the blood loss made Fizz's head pound. A growl filled the room, familiar but so so different. The noise echoed around the room as a voice said, "...don't mess with my imp~"

This was too much...

Closing his eyes in an attempt to shut out all the chaos. He could still hear, but the ringing in his ears messed with that since.

He heard someone stomping on the floor and the sound of screams before the thud of someone being thrown across the room and someone being strangled, the sound of choking made him freeze, even though the other imp's weren't in the room it still scared him to think of that possibility.

A moment later the choking stopped and there was a thud and someone across the room shouting for help, likely from whoever was thrown across the room. The shouting quickly stopped too as he heard the cracking of bones breaking, tearing a loud scream from whoever that was.

After a few seconds of silence he heard light footsteps heading towards him. The being unlocked the cuffs keeping him attached to the wall and pulled the gag out of his mouth. Fizz felt himself being lifted into strong, big, arms.

(Mini 1st person POV)

I tore my eyes open to try and see my savior, but I could only see so much through the haze. Through the blurry vision I could make out the shape of the person that saved me. They were giant, and had a fluffy thing around their neck, reminding me of someone... I quickly mumbled out a name before losing consciousness.


(It's been a while- sorry- does a thousand word chapter help make up for that?)

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