629 38 47

los angeles, ga
around the city

"I'M GOING OUT, ION' NEED TO ALWAYS state my every move Miley. You be knowing imma' be ight." Azia reassured Miley cupping her face with her hands and giving her a forehead kiss. "Chill out."

"I just be worried." She gave a small smile and Azia couldn't help but give her a smile pulling her into a hug.

"I just don't understand why you worried about Azia, when we should be worried about the people that's in her surroundings. Didn't she leave a trail of bodies from—" Halle was cut off by Azia picking up a glass throwing it near her not technically aiming it at her head. "AYE!"

"Girl don't be speaking bout old shit." Azia laughed picking up her purse from the table. "Where'a Jack?"

"Umm...I'm pretty sure he's at his house playing with his food." Halle explained and Azia caught what she was saying nodding her head. "I just hope he's being careful and not slipping up."

They talked about the topic for a while, before Azia finally left the penthouse and went down to her car. Getting inside she pulled off heading to visit an old frenemy.

Pulling up to the donut shop, she parked by the building and quickly got out going into the building. Already spotting him, she made her way to the table and sat in front of him. "Hello Herbert."

"Mane' you already with the shit." He laughed leaning back, and rubbing his chin. "Wassup Iggy? Fuck you call me fa'? You know we barely even fuck with each other."

"I need some inside information. Is some shit going on inside the supernatural world that I need to know bout'? Shit been quiet and shit ain't never quiet." Iggy bit down on her bottom lip lighting as her nails tapped the table quickly.

"Aye, calm yo' hot headed ass down." He lifted her hand up and placing it flat down on the clean table. Looking around the nearly empty donut shop, just them and one other person he leaned in to her. "I heard some crazy shit happening."

"Okay what then?" She questioned eagerly, because Jack wasn't telling her shit and she just needed to know. She wanted to know.

"Word is that a nigga or maybe a bitch got everybody shaking in they fucking boots, apparently he or she threatening to make every supernatural disappear. They got folks working with em' and all that. Finna make us vanish." He explained to her lowly for only him and her to hear.

Herbert or Gherbo heard everything, considering it was something in his nature. He was classified as a wolf, an alpha and he had to know things to keep his pack safe and protected.

"Whoever it is going after the humans first, so if you got a couple folks that ain't immortal watch after them. Shit bout' to get crazy." He added and Azia scrunched her face up.

Before she could respond to him, her phone started ringing and she answered it seeing that it was Jack. "You ight'?"

"Umm, yea– yeah– I umm, I might have fucked up badly. I need you like right now." He stumbled over his words nervously pacing his room.

Out of habit she nodded her head as if he could see her. "On my way."

Hanging up the phone, she stood up. "We can finish this later, come out of hiding sometimes. Miss fucking with ya'." She laughed waving bye to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2022 ⏰

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