"Damn right I did." She responds, bringing her face closer to yours.

Her lips ghost above yours, head moving backwards as she doesn't give you what you so desperately crave. So, instead of waiting for her to finally do, you decide to take matters into your own hands and grab her by the collar of her shirt, pulling her in and sealing your lips together.

Your eyes are shut but you can sense some movement coming from behind Hanji, only to realize Levi has copied your actions and pulled Erwin in for a kiss. This is the first time since you have known each other that he has shown public signs of affection towards the blonde man.

Ultimately, Moblit sits in the corner, humming a song to himself as he continues to override the program and make sure the a.i will not be able to come back. He decides to completely ignore the fact that he is the only one still single and just focus on the task at hand.

Hanji's breath tickles your nose, soft and pillowy lips against yours and it is enough to make you forget about the awful things you have just gotten through, you just focus on using every remaining ounce of your energy into kissing her, kissing her until your lips go numb and you can only feel the slippery feeling of her tongue against yours.

It isn't as romantic as it sounds. It's a kiss you have shared a thousand times before though this time it feels a lot less complicated. It's the first time since everything started that you were able to allow yourself to be this in love with each other, even after the night you shared at the abandoned house, which seems to be so long ago.

Reluctantly, you begin to pull away only to feel as Hanji's grip on your cheek tightens, not allowing you to part ways with her. In response, you smile against her and begin feeling as she plants several kisses alongside your teeth, a string of saliva still attaching your body to hers.

When she sadly stops, you pout, craving some more of her intoxicating touch but, before you could go back in, a blue light fills the room. You desperately want to ignore it and you decide to do so up until the moment Moblit clears his throat.

"y/n, you're going to want to see this" He says and you roll your eyes in annoyance, until you realize why it was so urgent for you to witness the scene that plays before you.

Instead of the angry red generated by the artificial intelligence, it is now a sad shade of a royal blue and the image reflecting from it is that of your mother, a few tears in her eyes as she recorded the message that now plays for you. Her hand holding her stomach as if she had just suffered an intense blow to her lower abdomen.

"This is a message to my one and only child.

y/n, if you are seeing this, it means that you were able to take down the monster I have created. It consequently means that I am no longer a part of this world and you and your friends were left to fend for yourselves. I wish I could say all of this isn't my fault but I think we both know that that is not the truth.

I'm sorry doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of everything I want to say to you but that is how I would like this message to start. I'm sorry for not being a better mother to you, I wanted you to follow in my footsteps so badly that I destroyed what little relationship we had and there isn't a day that goes by where I don't think about it.

I'm sorry for trying to replace you. I could go on this long tangent about how I wasn't thinking clearly and I let one fight get in between us. The truth is that I was furious when you told me you didn't want to become a scientist. I think you would be amazing at it but I see now that I can't tell you how to live your life. I'm grateful to Hanji for being the partner you deserve and being someone you can call "your safe haven."

The virus was never meant to see the light of day, especially because of how volatile it can be and experimental, but someone on the inside set it free. I'm already infected and I'm hiding somewhere in the lab to record this message, to stop it from infecting your father. When it is no longer contagious via air, I will return home.

The Infected - Hanji ZoeWhere stories live. Discover now