Chapter twenty-seven: Apart

Start from the beginning

"What's the big plan Commander?"

"I'm working on it, just do it!" Arion took the commander's place at the navigation deck while Kossav got up to check their sensors and cameras

"Commander, can we even take a hit of their cannons?"

"That's left to be discovered officer Jack" the later swallowed with difficulty

They picked up speed and went back to the Medra's vicinity, somewhere inside, bathed in blinking red light Perifel could be heard saying "What the hell are they doing now?"

Kosav's plan was absolutely mental. So much even that he was scared to expose it to the two aliens. From his point of view it was crazier than anything the two humans could ever come up with. He took  deep breath and tried his luck.

"The plan is bad but that's all I can come up with"

"Alright hit us!"

"We are going to fly into their sensors, and annoy them so much that they will have to deal with us. Then we will engage them in a chase"

"Dog fight style, yeah I can work with that "

"David and Goliath, this time they are in space. Commander, shall we engage? "
"Yes...we must if we want to give the Medra a chance!"

Arion plundged under the giant ship and came back up in front of their bridge. Immediately cannon turned around to target the small vessel which felt ridiculous in front of the giant.

Arion took it upon themself to show the empire how flying is actually done and began to do barrel rolls and other overly dramatic evasive maneuvers.

Kossav understood one more thing about the humans : no plan is ever too crazy, if anything a plan can never be too crazy and they will always find a way to make them worse.

The commander found that it didn't bother him one bit now, who would dare say that they could predict the human's moves? He smiled and gave Jack green light to fire at will to make the act more convincing.

The enemy lost patience and finally engaged in their crazed voltige. Perifel didn't lose a single second to celebrate he immediately turned the ship and asked the it was pushed to the fastest they could manage without making things worse. They were going to that planet no matter what.

If Kosav's crew survived long enough the Medra could get a good distance away and then use the proto star as a shield to avoid the sensors. If Arion was any good at flying a foreign scout shuttle the empire was going to learn a valuable lesson.

The asteroids and the incandescent clusters were truly a sight to behold. It was really too bad they weren't here for sightseeing. In any case the empire helped reshuffle the building blocks of the nascent system by blowing a lot of the asteroids.


"Captain we are approaching the target."

"Thank you officer..."

"I have activated long range scanners, it seem that whatever the situation was back when we first discovered the planet, it has gotten worse, much worse. "

"We will be careful, Officer Mathea and Prim, care to join me on another field trip?" The women exchanged glances

"That's the best offer I heard all day Captain."

"Then it is settled, go get ready, I'll be joining you shortly, bring all the tech we could need."

"Roger that"

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