Chapter six: Outer Space rescue

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"That's it" Mathea thought "That's it, we found the lost ones, we accomplished a mission, one out of two" she had trouble believing what was happening as well as the other, after floating a minute or two in space they reached the other spaceship, as the fake gravity was built in the hall they took off their suits.

The door was opened from the other side and suddenly seven other persons entered the room, it was crazy, a woman came to her to shake her hand but Mathea hugged her, she was the first other human she saw since maybe a century, they both broke down in tears, overwhelmed by the weight of the general feeling: extreme relief.

It's was like everyone believed they were lost for ever and they only realized it now, now that the nightmare is ending someone came for them, rescued them, the crew of the second mission was here to help the first fix their spaceship, for it to be safe and linked to earth by their antenna, they won't be alone again, and together, it was a silent promise that everyone agreed on without having to say it, they would accomplished their mission.

Between tears and sobs the woman introduced herself to Mathea, her name was Janae, she was a scientist before coming on the spaceship and now her mission was to analyze every rocks and moss and other things they would find on a planet, unfortunately they never reached said planet and they waited here for so long she doubted her own age. Someone shouted some really colorful curse words and Mathea knew it was this woman named Reega, like everyone else the woman was crying, she was walking around to shakes everyone hands, asking their names and then telling them her name. Everyone was smiling and laughing regardless to their tears and their shacking hands.

Acsel led them to the main room, the computer room, their spaceship was almost exactly the same as the second mission, they found chairs and stuff on which they could sit and proceed to explain their situation. Jack told him they could help because he discovered some time before the launch of their spaceship that someone had put in the reserve a lot of material, as if they were hoping they would find the first spaceship.

"Thus, we now have everything you need to fix your spaceship, and more"

"Incredible" Acsel "And when can you provide those materials?"

"When you want them, I will need some of your crew members to bring them, but it won't be a problem"

"You are truly awesome, let's get started, we'll have plenty of time to learn about you all while we will be fixing this bad boy!"

Janae and Charle stayed on board while the rest floated to the second space ship, Jack guided them to the materials and Prim and Kyne stayed at the computer post to send the message to Houston.

She pressed the button and the bips came back.

"New vocal message to Houston" said the computer voice "Start recording"

Bip bip

"Houston, I am Prim crew member of the interstellar discovery mission number two. We drifted far enough in the direction specified and met an unexpected spaceship. The interstellar discovery mission one has been reached and the rescue has been initiated. As I am recording this message my crew and they are working together to fix their antenna and all the other damage. Thanks to an unknown person back on earth who smuggled the materials for a possible rescue in our stock. Tell the world the Interstellar Discovery mission is whole again!"

Bip bip

"End of the recording, sending message to its destination"

Bip bip

"Message sent, travel initiated answer expected in two days"

"Do you want to use the energy reserve to use the fastest travel option" asked the computer voice


"Reserve energy enabled; answer expected in 2 hours"

Bip bip

Bip bip

"Prim, do you think the world remember us after all this time?"

"Don't worry Kyne, some of us loose hope after a day, other continue to wait until the end, the Solar system can't have already forgot us "

"You are right, but I think those two hours will be the longest of all time!"


Meanwhile the transport team finally managed to bring all the needed materials on board, Acsel and Jack are splitting people in different duo to work on all the different damage of the spaceship, Janae and Charle are contacting the second spaceship to kill time together and the message is traveling at light speed to Houston, Texas, USA, Earth, Solar system.

"I'm Janae and that's Charle, and you are?"

"I'm Prim and that's Kyne, nice to meet you again

"It's nice to meet someone new, it has been so much time now that we locked ourselves in stasis hopeless and devastated" said Janae

"We had lost all hope so long ago but somehow never completely and we asked the computer to wake us up if it received a message whatever the kind" continued Charle

"we stayed in stasis for so long I don't even know my age anymore, it's a weird feeling I don't know anything about the exterior of this space ship but I almost feel like I was waiting for you all of those year of semi sleep"

"Someone back on Earth kept hope to find you again and that's beautiful because I never thought it would be possible, because you could have drifted anywhere in the whole universe but no, you drifted in the same direction all this time and we found you" Kyne paused "I was so in denial I thought it was alien and not you, I mean, at this point anything is possible, really"


"What if what?"

"You said anything is possible, and we are so far away from Earth, what if aliens exist"

"What if, yes"

"We send a message to Earth stating we rescued you, the answer will come in an hour and a half" said Prim with hope

"We are no longer dead!"

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