Chapter Fifteen - The Woodland Realm

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Winston and I were led through the trees. Behind me, the sounds of the company grew quieter until I could no longer hear them.

Legolas seemed to know where he was going, despite the fact that everywhere looked like everywhere else in this place. He walked confidently but lightly, and I - used to the noise and heavy tread of the dwarves - knew that together we made no noise.

We walked for hours, not speaking. Eventually, when my feet were beginning to ache and Winston had yawned for the twenty-seventh time, we reached beautifully carved wooden doors set into the side of a rocky cliff. Two elven guards stood by each side in elegant armour.

I was reminded heavily of Rivendell, only this place contained no warmth. Even Lindir seemed kind in comparison.

'You are to meet with King Thranduil,' Legolas said, as we walked through the doors. 'I would advise you to be polite. He will be good to you if you are good to him.'

'Right,' I said. The doors closed behind us with a solid thud. I got the feeling that I would not be coming out of this place the way I came in.

I took in the sight before me. The architecture was stunning - elegantly carven wood, and stairs cut into the stone walls. Bridges were above us, providing paths from one end of the cavern to the other. All of it spoke of an ageless, immortal grace, but there was a sense of power, too. The same sleepy enchantment that laced Mirkwood, though perhaps without the malice.

'The badger will not join you,' he continued. 'There is no need for him. He will be wherever the King sees fit for you to stay.'

He stopped me before a flight of stairs.

'You will find him down these stairs. I bid you farewell.'

'Goodbye, I guess.'

He turned and left, and Winston followed him, almost as if the badger knew he could go no further. I hesitated, wondering if this was the right idea. The dwarves would surely search for me.

But there was no way that they could find me when I was in the heart of the kingdom of the woodland elves. I took a deep breath, and walked down the stairs.

When I reached the bottom, the elf sat on the throne was not what I had expected, and yet at the same time I wasn't surprised.

I had been expecting someone similar in demeanour to Elrond - wise and slightly stiff in his stance. But Thranduil was lounging across his throne, dressed in fine fabrics with a crown of branches and berries placed on his platinum hair. He was arrogant, but his arrogance was not wrongly present. He had power that others didn't, and he knew it.

'I have been sent to speak with you,' I said.

Thranduil knew I had been there, of course, but he had wanted me to draw his attention. It was a subtle display of power, and I couldn't help admiring it.

'You are the halfling who is travelling with the company of Thorin Oakenshield, are you not?' he asked, his voice dangerously smooth.

'This is true. What of it?'

It appeared that all elves had a similar effect on the way I spoke. I became more poetic with my words, and wisdom danced between the letters that I didn't know I possessed. Whether this was a good change or a bad one, I didn't know.

'You are their healer?'

'Again true,' I answered. 'You have asked me two questions, I believe it would only be right to answer the single one I have presented to you.'

Wow, I sounded like I had a stick up my arse.

Thranduil smiled.

'You are wise in your council and strong in your beliefs,' he commented. 'I will answer your question. I seek to know information about the motives of Thorin Oakenshield and his company.'

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