50 - Awake Surgery

Start from the beginning

"Harlow." Nick repeated lowly. He moved towards her slowly, taking cautious steps like one would when approaching a stray animal.

"I-uh I-I need I need to get the fuck outta here." Harlow stuttered, tripping over her own feet as she dodged the multiple types of surgeons in the room. She lunged for the door that separated her from her freedom.

Harlow sped away sprinting as far as she could on unstable legs that shook with each step she took. Her breathing was sharp in her chest, her panting loud in her ears and a sourness in her mouth.

Harlow crashed into a wall and fell to the ground. She didn't let the fall stop her as she scrambled back up onto her feet. Two hands wrapped around her shoulders as she tried to make a run for it again.

Harlow fought desperately against the arms, elbowing the person and stomping on their foot but they didn't relent.

"Harlow. Harlow." Nick spoke softly, keeping the girl restrained in his arms. "You're okay. Just stop running." He whispered reassuringly trying to calm the girl.

The words Nick was saying couldn't drill it's way into Harlow's mind. Her mind was already too full with the images of her past.

"Harlow, stop. Stop hitting me!" Nick exclaimed, for a split second losing control and snapping.

But it unintentionally worked.

Harlow slumped into Nick as she stopped flailing around, feeling absolutely defeated.

"You're okay Harlow."

"I wanna..." Harlow muttered quietly, pausing as she tried to gain control of her breathing.

"Wanna what?" Nick asked, gently letting Harlow fall to the ground so she was sitting against a wall. "What do you need Harlow?"

"I need to go back to school." Harlow forced out, still panting as she looked around. " I need to get out of here."

Nick sighed and crouched down to the same level as Harlow. "We can't let you leave yet. You've just had surgery."

Harlow scoffed and faced Nick angrily. "They didn't even finish surgery because my body healed itself. I told everyone I didn't need the surgery but you made me feel like I had to. You all did! With Jasmine giving me the puppy dog eyes." Harlow hissed, hitting her fist against the ground. "I'm not some prisoner here!" She snapped, pushing herself up off the ground and leaning again the wall for support.


"I'm saying goodbye to Jasmine and Finnic and then I'm going." Harlow declared and used the wall to guide her as she walked.

Nick closed his eyes and took a breath. "You're going the wrong way." He muttered wile pointing in the correct way.

"I knew that." Harlow claimed as she turned around and marched the opposite way.

The goodbye yet again was not a fun one. Jasmine way clinging to Harlow as she checked up on Finnic. The boys operation had gone swimmingly well. He would have to lay off training until he healed. To walk he needed crutches but he was sure to make a full recovery, the doctors were certain about it.

"Once again this is just a temporary goodbye. And I'll see you again soon." Harlow responded with a forced smile as she hugged Jasmine.

"We just never got a proper visit." Jasmine grumpily noted and folded her arms over her chest.

"Yeah this weekend hasn't been... ideal." Finnic agreed but grinned nevertheless. "Give us a hug then." He added and held out his arms wide while he lay in his hospital bed.

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