"Why have i been given this overly convenient chance to be a scumbag!?!"

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This definitely has the possibility to be NSFW but I would prefer to keep it PG, please
Pretty much based on the video above (if it actually shows), it's from Kaguya-Sama: Love is War
The only OC I won't use for this is Kaede because, he's way too young for this.

1.) Real world scenario
(A) and (B) are sent to get some equipment from the storage closet for an event after school, and suddenly the door gets jammed for whatever possible reason. This turn of events gets them to assume the other is going to try and do something (whether they're hopeful, or nervous as all hell is up to you.), and how it turns, well that is also up to you.

2.) Metaverse scenario
The same as scenario 1, but instead of (A) and (B) being stuck in a storage closet, they're stuck in a safe room.

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