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Basically the same thing, with everyone going to highschool, but instead of just normal stuff, they have quirks and are studying to try and be heroes.

Akira Kurusu: Protagonist's luck
There isn't really much behind this quirk, it just gives the user the lucky ness, as well as unluckiness of your typical anime protagonist, it wouldn't really have a drawback, given it being a constant occurrence and all, but it's unpredictable obviously, so that's probably the worst part about it.

Ryuji Sakamoto: Engine Legs
Just like it's counterpart in the source material, this quirk allows Ryuji to increase his speed a lot, for a period of time, having 3 gears in total, though with training it could of course, go further. The drawback would be the cooldown afterwards however, since he'd need about 10 minutes before he can use them again.

Morgana: Transformation
Instead of just being a cat, why not give him what he wants and let him be able to have a human form? Of course there's a limit to how often he can do so, and it's more than a little disorienting as well, might I add. Morgana would probably start off only being to transform for about an hour or so, but with training he'd be able to go for a day at most. (He'd be support course)

Ann Takamaki: Flash Photography
The quirk allows Ann to emit light from certain parts of her body, with her eyes activating it by an intentional blink, or a wink , the severity of the flash depending on her concentration levels. This leads to migraines, nosebleeds and a lot of disorientation, though also some occasional bouts of blindness due to how often she has light close to her eyes. (Support course, alongside Morgana)

Yusuke Kitagawa: Artist's touch
The user is capable of manipulating paint or ink, though due to the concentration it takes, it often ends in migraines, waves of nausea, and dizziness, as well as the occasional nosebleed.

Makoto Nijima: Encite
Once again, like the counterpart in the source material, Makoto is capable of boosting anybody who sees her as a worthy leader in any way shape or form's, physical and mental state, due to aspects of her voice, the volume of her voice effecting how it works as well.

Futaba Sakura: Hack
Long story short, this is similar to Katai's ability from Bungo Stray Dogs, since she is able to hack any piece of technology without making contact with it, both subconsciously and consciously, and it just gives her a minor headache now, due to how often she uses it.

Haru Okumura: Botanical Garden
This quirk allows Haru to summon plays (usually flowers and vines), from places on her body, and she can manipulate these plants at will, the drawback being that these plants use up the water currently in her body, and the more she spawns, the faster her stamina decreases.

Goro Akechi: Torment

Pretty much the same sh!t that he can pull in the game, and due to all of his training there isn't really much of a drawback behind it. He's able to torment an enemy and force them into insanity, which they have a low chance from actually coming back from.

(Outside of party can be discussed in the chain if needed (Mishima, Hifumi, Shinya, etc.)

For my OCs:

Nagisa Kubota: Full Body Lens
It was kind of hard to pass this up with Nagisa's profession, but this quirk allows him to summon camera lenses all over his body, printing out the photos he takes on any of these cameras in a spot on his chest, a drawback would be low blood pressure, due to printing pictures blocking his blood flow. This leads to him fainting pretty easily, and having trouble standing up fast, as well as lack of concentration, trouble healing cuts, etc.

Kenji Yamagauchi: Ghost
There's no questioning that Kenji's awkward, so this ability helps him out a lot, being able to turn invisible for short periods of  time, and travel through walls, he can only travel through thin walls at first though, thicker walls often resulting in him getting stuck, and he can only do a certain amount before he starts getting dizzy. He also has the option to hold onto objects, though after a long period of time, it ends similarly to the previous subject, and after that, he passes out usually.

Yuya Kamamoto : Siren's song
Yuya is capable of controlling people's minds when he plays his violin or piano, though similar to Shinsou, he has the option not to and just let people enjoy the music. However, if he chooses to do it, it affects everyone listening outside of himself. This doesn't really affect anything other than his hearing though, Yuya often having ringing in his ears, or just bouts of complete deafness.

Kuki Chen: Storyteller
Kuki's theatrical, plain and simple, and when he tells stories, he's able to create hallucinations relating to the passage he's reciting, however when he first starts out, it has to be memorized word for word (after training, he can put his own spin on it, but it takes a while.). Overusing his quirk leads to quite a few sensory issues, which just makes everything feel like too much honestly, and on occasion, may lead to a panic attack if he can't calm himself down in enough time

Kaede Furuya: Animation
Kaede is similar to Yusuke, though he's able to control the drawings he creates, instead of just supplies. The drawing stays true to size however, and more often than not, the smaller drawings are easier to bring into reality compared to larger ones, and are far more durable as well. He often loses concentration in this state, due to him controlling the creations, and he can only take so much before just, straight up passing out.

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