Reaper AU

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(I got this idea from the song Leave Luanne, it's a long, but really good song, I highly recommend giving it a listen.)
What if the Phantom Thieves were actually well..for namesake, phantoms, what if the main source of the issues led to them kicking the bucket, and their goal was to band together and drive them insane? We can discuss the cannon characters deaths in a chain but, anyways, here we go

How my OCs died

Nagisa: He's often around Maki and Shunsuke, the trio being killed off by the photographer's boss, Shunsuke being confirmed in Nagisa's backstory, while Maki and Nagisa get killed off later on due to them hosting their own investigation.
Kenji: His death would be an accident, spawning from an argument with his mother, and he'd be one of the more merciful ones, preferring to join the rest of the group with their resolves as opposed to harming his mother. He knows she didn't mean it after all.
Yuya: Yuya would probably just be a coping mechanism in response to Mei leaving him, mixing with the stress of music instructors and all of that, and he'd be similar to Kenji, joining to help the others around the same time as Yusuke
Kuki: Bullying mixed with an accident probably, since his wheelchair makes him an easy target and everything, I imagine he'd be working on a costume and then, push comes to shove  (literally), leading to him getting a concussion and later dying.
Kaede: Another stress related case relating to everyone and everything around him, probably being similar to Shiho's attempt.

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