OC #3

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Name: Yuya Kamamoto
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: He's a plain looking, lanky, fair skinned guy that stands just above 5,8 with shaggy, black hair that usually looks like he just rolled out of bed half the time. He tends to keep his bangs in his face as much as possible because it's easier to cover up any scars or bruises than with makeup. He has brown eyes with rather dark circles under his eyes because of how frequently he stays up half the night. He also has quite a few bandages littering his hands and, occasionally his face, from both violin, and his girlfriend.
Personality: Yuya has always been a rather benign guy, getting dragged into a lot of things by the rest of the group. He's easy to stress and is often seen as overly sensitive. He's quick to devote himself to things that he wants to do, or people that he wants to be around, he can just focus on one thing at a time for the most part though, otherwise he'll forget what he was doing. He's rather reserved and tends to be in his own little world a lot of the time but, overall he will literally follow someone he trusts through hell if they asked him too.
Likes: The violin, playing music for others, keeping the mood light, rabbits, being included in things, dark colours, listening to others problems, physical sheet music, reading, keeping people happy and detail focused activities (like origami for example, since it's just cool to look at)
Dislikes: Physical contact (that would definitely change later on he just has to get used to it.), tense atmospheres, being yelled at, neon colours, the piano(he plays anyways though), the feeling of abandonment and his phone (he doesn't know how to use half of the functions)
Love interests: Shiho Suzui or Yusuke Kitagawa
Backstory: His backstory was rather normal up until high school, sure he didn't talk to people as much as he could but, that was always okay in his book. Yuya had always been more focused on music more than anything and his parents, didn't really bother with it, they just monitored his schedule and stuff like that so, he didn't just..keel over at a random point. That was until his first year of highschool, like I said, and he met Mei through band practice. Now things weren't always bad between them, and there are still even good moments between the two, but after a while she started to try and isolate him, occasionally coming around and dragging him off with her. He didn't have much of a problem with it, or..he liked making it out like that, until one of his acquaintances posted her name on the phan-site.
Fun fact: He met his girlfriend through band practice in high school, though they'd been in the same class a lot in the past, and has been with her since he was a first year
Other facts: He has significant touch issues because of his previous relationship, like seriously, this boy will break down the first few times a party member gives him positive affection (hug, pat on the back, etc)
He started off playing the violin but he was forced to start playing the piano since they stopped showing up to practice.
After he joined the team he got a rabbit to take care of since, he didn't know what to do with himself after his girlfriend's change of heart. He named her phantom, since she has two white dots over her eyes , which reminds him of joker's mask.
Occupation: Kosei high student
Alignment: Starts off as a true neutral, but as he becomes more attached to the team he morphs into more of a chaotic good.

Phantom Thief Info:
Code name: Owl
Persona: One-Eyed Owl (Quzin Yoshimura would be his 3rd level persona)
Skills: Curse and physical
Arcana: 10 of swords
Melee: I think it would be similar to Makoto's and be brass knuckles, however, he'd have claws on the end of his
Ranged: A simple pistol
Outfit: His mask would be a Kabuki mask with an owl design that's red, white, and black. A baggy, black suit jacket, with dark red accents, like the cuffs of his sleeves and the collar. He has a white shirt underneath that, white gloves,black pants and dark red platform boots.
Awakening: An optional gothic, vampire themed palace, for his girlfriend
He'd have a shadow that'd serve as her servant pretty much, who gets more and more unhinged the more you talk bad about her.
Voice Claim: Langa Hasegawa from Sk8 the infinity

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