OC #2

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Name: (Pre transition) Kibo Yamagauchi (Post transition) Kenji Yamagauchi
Age: 16
Gender: trans male
Appearance: Kenji's always kept his dark brown hair rather short, having it in a bob cut when he was a female and getting it cut into some sort of pixie cut after he transitioned. He's short and frail looking, standing at 5,5, and he has hazel eyes. He's got constant dark circles under his eyes that he covers up with makeup most of the time, and has a couple scars on his hands and knees from the occasional trip and fall, as well as ink and pencil marks as well.
Personality: Kenji's a rather gloomy guy who prefers to separate himself from other people, He's a huge bookworm and you can usually find him in the back corner of the library during off periods or after school. He's never had many friends so, he'd put anything he had on the line for anyone who manages to get to that level with him. He's the kind to see the world in both half full, and half empty perspectives, it just depends on the situation, and he gets self conscious very goddam easily. He's also the kind to apologize even with just the slightest feeling that he'd done something wrong, always has been.
Likes: Baggy clothes, validation, praise, books, reading, writing, happy stories, the cold, music and having friends
Dislikes: Tight fitting clothes,skirts, social hierarchy,rap music, the beach, hot weather and birds
Love interests: Akira Kusuru or Haru Okumura
Backstory: He's lived in Japan for his whole life, and never really fit in right at school, sure..people would talk to him occasionally but, he never had a specific group to put himself in like 'nerd' or 'jock'. So he made friends with the characters he read about in books. Kenji would stay inside during breaks, and just hide in the back corner of the library, hell he'd probably even go during class if he was brave enough, the librarian never minded it after all, since she never saw him. Anyways, later on down the line when he actually came out as a him, it was rather half and half, his mother hating it while his father being okay. He'd always been rather close with his dad, he'd always take him places after work, like the diner or one of Yoshida's speeches, so it was no shock that he got moved in with his grandmother and grandfather after the fact to make sure things stayed okay between his parents.
Fun fact: He wants to be a fiction writer when he gets older, he has quite a few half done pieces in his room
The reason he has his persona, is because his form of rebellion is showing off you're comfortable in your own ski.
Occupation: Shujin academy student
Alignment: True Neutral

Phantom Thief Info:
Code name: Cleric (healer)
Persona: Snow Lily (often shortened to Lily) (third level would be all of love
Skills:Healing and ailments are his best skills, though he does have some physical ones
Arcana:The Hermit (yes, like Futaba)
Melee: A Scythe
Ranged: A pistol
Outfit: A gold masquerade mask with dark purple accents and a clock-like design over the right eye, a black coat similar to joker's (just to his knees instead of joker's coat length),white gloves, a dark purple button down, baggy black pants, and black boots.
Awakening: Kamoshida's castle
Voice Claim: Kyōsuke Kamijō from Puella Magi Madoka Magica (the one in the bed) (pretransiton)

Miya Chinen from Sk8 the infinity (post transition)

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