OC #1

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Name: Nagisa Kubota
Appearance: He is literally skin and bone and stands about 5,10 height wise. He has pale green, almost grey eyes,and black hair that is constantly in rats nest mode. He has a couple of piercings as well, two studs and a ring in his ears, as well as a single lip ring, though the spots occasionally look irritated because of how often he messes with the items. After he joins the party, he dyes his bangs dark green.
Personality: Nagisa is both a panic attack waiting to happen, and a workaholic, which are two things that should probably refrain from mixing if I'm being totally honest. He tends to keep rather reserved and quiet in most environments but, around the rest of the group, he can ramble up a storm at the drop of a hat once he warms up to them. He8s a very apologetic guy as well, and is the type that can hold his tongue for quite a bit, but when he snaps, he snaps hard and will yell at you for a good few hours or just, break down completely. He's a good listener, yet is quick on self deprecating jokes or just, say depressing stuff in general, and half the time it's unintentional.
Likes: Dogs, Work, being by himself, watching his friend work, acoustic music, indie bands, having freedom in his work, reading, photography, and quiet spaces
Dislikes:His boss, modelling shoots (he has to stay up half the night editing those.), feeling helpless, his late boyfriend's schedule, digging up the past, business talk, and just any mention of g**s
Love interests: Yusuke Kitagawa or Yuuki Mishima
Backstory:He's never had much time for a lot of things, since his family moved around a lot while he was a kid, photography has been one of the few things he'd taken with him all the way along. So yeah, he never had much time for friends. When he was 14, his mom sent him to live with two of his cousins  in Japan, Nagisa chose to take up part time work as a photographer in order to help with rent after a bit. One day he got a gig at a concert for a startup band and actually befriended some of the set workers, and even the guitarist. They started off as friends as first but ended up dating for about a year before he died. Nagisa's business started going up, and after a while, he had to drop school and work photography full time. He and the victim's older sister are doing their own investigation now, since the police ruled the murder a s****de, and he will mention it on the phan-site if you level up his social link correctly.
Fun fact: He is very embarrassed to admit it but, he can't swim (His boyfriend's death being a complete deal breaker too, since he was drowned in the 'dressing room' (which was a back room at the bar), sink
Other facts:
-He tends to slip up on honourifics because of how long he lived in America
-He has two sisters
-He has a sh!t ton of work stories that he can and will tell if given the chance
-He is almost always carrying his camera bag outside of the Metaverse
- Literally the only picture this guy has of himself are ones his late boyfriend had to drag him into taking (for example, asking a mutual friend to steal his camera before literally tackling him.)
-He can't have his face anywhere near anything larger than a cup of water, since he will panic almost immediately should that happen. Showers and drinks of water are perfectly fine, but pools, oceans, or anything of the sort send him into a panic.
Occupation: Photographer (former Shujin student)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Phantom Thief Info:
Code name: Shiro
Persona: Gossip (3rd level is Daley)
Skills: Wind and Physical, with a couple of despair and fear inducing ailments
Arcana: Two of Pentacles (and it can be leveled up through him and two other people)
Melee: A broken switchblade knife with many scratches and chips in the metal
Ranged: An old-fashioned pistol that has quite a few damaged spots
Outfit: His outfit in the Metaverse would be rather old-fashioned, and rather similar to Haru's just..a lot less 'fancy', as he puts it. He has a black button up shirt with a dull brown vest that has a couple of patched spots, brown pants, and a pair of black boots, and finally, accompanying that is a cracked, plain white mask that covers Nagisa's full face (hence the name Shiro.)
Awakening: His would be optional Palace that could happen once you reach a certain level in his social link and level it up the right way. If you choose not to do it then he just stays as an informant like Ohya.
-His outfit when you first meet him is a red flannel, a black band t-shirt, jeans and a pair of torn up red and black sneakers.
-His outfit after he joins the team is pretty similar, a black button up (unbuttoned usually) a green t-shirt underneath, black jeans and boots.
Voice claim: Tsumugi Tsukioka from A3! (He had no specific clips, this is just the VA)

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