Brother's best friend (D.O'B) Pt.2

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Dylan just rolled his eyes, but he stood up anyway and ran outside catching up to me.

"Do you're just gonna stand here?" Dylan asked, standing next to me

"Fuck off."

"Or what?" Dylan said. That was the final straw, i started crying from how pissed i was. I cried silently though, i didn't want Dylan to know.
Luckily my uber got there right after i started crying. Without a word, i climed in, only to have Dylan climb in the other side.

I gave the driver the address. I didn't care that Dylan got in with me, i didn't care that he was looking at me. I just wanted to go home. This trip was supposed to be like a vacation, but it's not even the second day yet and i already want to go home


I paid the cab and got out. I was staying at the same hotel as Tyler, he insisted on it.
I walked into the elevator, pressing my floor button. Dylan was following me the whole way.


I got out and basically ran to my door, unlocking it and rushing inside, but before i could close the door, Dylan pushed it open and forced his way inside.

"Fuck sake Dylan, why can't you just leave me alone. What more can you possibly have to say. You already made me feel like some cheap fucking whore isn't that enough!" I asked, still crying.
Dylan closed and locked the door behind him when he got in.

"Y/N, i-"

"You what? You only talked to me beacause you thought i was easy and when you got bored you threw me away. Or, you never wanted to make me feel that way. Well guess fucking what Dylan, you did and it hurt."

"Y/N i'm sorry!" Dylan yelled

"Well sorry isn't good enough!" I yelled back

"What do want me to say?" Dylan yelled

"I want you to give me a reason!"

"For what!"

"For everything!"
Dylan stood there, not saying anything.

"I want you to tell me why you stopped talking to me. I want you tell me why you fucked me, but then called my 'easy' afterwards. I want you to give me a reason as to why the fuck you've been treating me like shit." I cried.

"I'm inlove with you!"

"Well you have a shitty way of showing it!"

"I know and i-" Dylan started saying

"No you don't know Dylan. We talked and i caught feelings, then you left without a single word. I thought something was wrong with me, i stayed up all night crying and wondering what i did wrong.....why the hell would you do that?" I asked

"I was scared."

"Scared of what!"

"I was scared that i might hury you!" Dylan yelled. There was a moment of silence before he continued talking.

"So i left, but me leaving only hurt you more. I fell inlove with you Y/N, but you're my best friend's sister and if we dated and broke up it could fuck everything up."

"But we don't have to break up Dylan. We can make it work."

"But what if we can't?"

"Would you just stop being so god damn negative for a second and just think of all the good things that can come from us dating!" I said.

"Fine, but before we make it official we have to go on a few dates first." Dylan said smiling a little.

"Well no shit." I said, smiling aswell.

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