43: Is this the end?

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Zhan cannot believe it. Rage, resentment, disappointment, disgust, and anger. He thought that Linian will shoot herself killed, but he was wrong.

A normal death wouldn't be enough for Linian. She deserves to suffer more. How many lives will it take for him to see this painful reality? He thought and hoped that  Linian will change, that maybe she deserves to have a second chance. That the idea of killing her wouldn't be the only option that will be left for them to do, and this war should be put to an end. They shouldn't bother themselves to pursue this, for this is pointless.

'So foolish' -he thought, having a bitter smile on his face.

Tears dripping, sadness, and a feeling of a little bit of guilt engraved on his heart. Digging and settling itself on the deepest part inside of him.

His Dad trying to press the white cloth already stained with crimson blood from the mistress. 

Screaming, his father's weeping trying to stop the bleeding from Auntie Loraine's abdomen. Yibo, his husband kneeling on the floor, as he held the mistress hand tightly and Xian Le trying to stop his mom.

The sound, later on, becomes deafening, making Zhan paled. But his complexion went from being pale to red. He was fuming with anger, to the point that he wanted to cry. He wanted to attack Linian and kill her himself. But his feet won't move, he was left there standing motionless with his eyes, staring at the woman who killed the mistress, with rage.

All he could do was to stare. What is the most painful thing to realize? The incapability to do something while tormenting yourself to witness the death of your loved ones.

He was mad and in rage. He was shaking, feeling his whole body tremble. All he could do was to stare with his bloodshot eyes. He was thinking of ways how to kill Linian. He wanted to implant bullets on her brain, torture her, making him feel the excruciating pain slowly until she will beg and ask for her death.  But he cannot do those, he can't. He cannot bring himself to point the gun at the person who raised him. Even his mind was telling him that Linian doesn't deserve a second chance, that she deserves to die. He cannot and he feels tormented by that.

This agony, pain, and shame. Shame he felt for himself. Yibo was his husband, the person who loses her life was his husband's aunt, and the person who killed the mistress was the woman who raised him.

He saw Yibo, stood up. His eyes were no longer bright, they were dull and that cold penetrating stare made Zhan realize that Linian can only escape from his husband's hands if she was no longer breathing. That thought horrifies him and he felt foolish. For now, he wanted to stop Yibo.

His feet started to move on their own. Now, he was standing in between his husband and this person Linian.

"Bobo no, please. Don't kill her, I beg you please"

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