A Conversation by The Sea

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The bright sunlight pouring through the thin cloth of the curtained windows glowed from outside my closed eyes, its rays warm against my frigid skin.

The comforter I was given was comfortable, but not necessarily cold proof, the thin bedding leaving me to shiver all night. And the bedding beneath me wasn't the greatest either, a sore back accompanied by tense limbs restricting my typically limber movements.

But I couldn't complain. It was a roof over my head, and it was much better than nothing. In fact, it was incredibly kind of Ayaka and Thoma to lend me their hospitality despite knowing me less than a day.

I had Beidou to thank for that.

Stretching my tense arms above my head, I scrunched up my nose and let out a deep yawn. Sleep deprivation pulled my weary lids downward, the heavy feeling resting black and blue as bags under my eyes.

Everything was finally calm. I no longer had to worry for my life, and I could live out the rest of my days peacefully.

Truthfully, I would miss the harbingers in some weird way, however, not enough to risk my own life for the either of them by returning to Liyue.

I wonder if they miss me...

A knock at the door pulled my heavy lids upright, my body springing forward while my head swayed dizzily. "Uhm, yes?" I called distractedly.

The wooden panel creaked open slowly to reveal a familiar innocent face.

"You ready to start the day Y/n?" Thoma's soft words called from in front of me.

He was dressed in his usual assortment of red, white and black clothing, along with his typical sparkling smile.

He radiated positivity like a heater.

I wiped the drool from my face, flattened down the crazy in my hair and launched myself out of bed. "Yes, completely ready." My voice dripped with a dazed positivity.

I'd almost forgot he was supposed to show me around today.

He looked me up and down and noticed my frazzled appearance, a look of recognition crossing his features soon after. "Here," Thoma handed a bundle of clothing over. "Miss Ayaka is lending these to you for the day."

His genuine smile made me feel more at ease, like I wouldn't be chastised for waking up late and forgetting.

"Ah, please tell her I said thank you," I smiled gently.

"Yes ma'am. I'll let you get changed," he chuckled, before taking his leave.

I looked down to the expensive clothing in hand.

The fabric was soft and silken, clearly crafted by only the best.

Lady Ayaka's really gonna let me borrow this?

Clothing this expensive typically belonged to rich merchants and aristocrats.

How did she end up with clothes as fine as these while working in a tea shop?

Well, no matter, I was grateful for the clothes and that was the end of it.

I hurried to throw the loose clothing on as to not keep Thoma waiting, excitement replacing the lazed daze I sported previously as I pulled the soft cloth over my opposing rough skin.

With the minor glimpse of town I'd witnessed upon arrival, I was hungry to take in even more of the luxurious city.

I couldn't tell whether this familiar longing for adventure were from the last few weeks I'd spent with the harbingers or if it were something I had already possessed since childhood.

The Thief and the Harbingers Childe x reader x ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now