A simple fee?

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As much as I hated to admit it, my night was a lot more enjoyable than I had anticipated it to be. I'd caught up on a lot of necessary sleep and had more than a few pleasant dreams. Childe was rather warm and kept me more than cozy, his arms never faltering to hold me tight. He was like a bear cub, or more like a jacket honestly, the way he clung so snug against me.

I had quite a wonderful night, that is until I was electrocuted out of my amicable sleep.

"Agh!" I blared, tumbling out of bed with Childes fur skin blanket tangled around my feet.

I looked up disappointedly, Scaramouche 'greeting' me with his signature scowl.

Of all people I had to wake up to, it just HAD to be Scaramouche, my least favorite harbinger. What was he doing here in the first place? And where did Childe go? But most importantly, why was he such a dick? Was it really necessary to spark me up while I was clearly peacefully sleeping?

I swear I'd kill this son of a bitch someday.

"You have five minutes to get ready and meet me outside," he crossed his arms over his chest, boredom clearly written on his face.

"What?! Why!" I was vexed with irritation. I hated when people disturbed my sleep, especially in such a cheap, rude manner.

"Since the Tsaritsa is over 200 miles away and will not be returning for some time, she has ordered me to make use of you. You will be accompanying me to Liyue."

Well this was a shitty start too the morning.

"Where's Childe?" I asked groggily.

"He has an over abundance of work to complete," he gestured to the piled up papers on his desk, "as you can see."

So that's why he was gone. He was getting a head start on the day, likely to finish his physical tasks and later come back to finish his paperwork.

"Why do I have to come with you to Liyue?" I questioned from the ground.

Scaramouche rolled his eyes and turned to leave the tent, "stop asking questions and get ready brat."

Scaramouche differed greatly to Childe, it was hard to believe they were both harbingers. You'd think the fatui would be more alike in personality, considering their jobs were to beat the shit out of people, kill them to.

I sighed exaggeratedly throwing my arms into the air.

I already couldn't wait until the day would be over. Spending the day with Scaramouche would only bring about trouble.

After changing into a t-shirt and shorts I joined Scaramouche outside. 

The walk wasn't far at all, however, Scaramouche insisted on keeping a lengthy distance in front of me, occasionally glancing back to make sure I was still following.

I wasn't sure why he was going through the trouble to take me to Liyue, I didn't have much to offer at the moment anyway, but I didn't question his motives and kept quiet behind him.

Once we had arrived, the atmosphere shifted to that of a more positive one. The cloudy day only made the bright city stand out more, as it seemed to have its own bustling energy scattered through the pavement as we traversed through the city.

"Grilled tiger fish, get your grilled tiger fish here!" A man waved a hand in the air, welcoming all that passed by.


His bored orbs eyed me from the side, his way of telling me to continue.

"I haven't eaten yet. Can we get some food?" I asked, motioning to the man promoting his food.

The Thief and the Harbingers Childe x reader x ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now