Lumen De Lumine PT III

Start from the beginning

"Now, now behave yourself dear bird yaksha."stated Tsumi calmly. To Lumine's surprise Xiao was listening and obeying though his eyes showed his fear of whatever was happening to himself.

"Tsumi what have you done?"Lumine demanded. "And what are you doing here at the entrance to the Dainichi Mikoshi, you slithering snake?"

"Ah so he told you then did he? Your mate here tried to go in after you."Tsumi hummed glancing over her shoulder. Slowly the miko turned to face Lumine. And to her horror she had Xiao's mask in hand. It made her blood run cold at the sight which turned to fury and confusion. "But as you are back I am curious if our rescue mission was a success?"

"What are you doing with his mask!? What are you doing to him!!"demanded Lumine sharply. Her emotions to Tsumi's surprise was causing the elements to go haywire around her. Wind began to blow where there should be none, ancient earth began to shake and rumble, electro began to charge the air, and the ancient and overgrown plants began to grow wild. Lumine's eyes glowing gold before Tsumi making her freeze in fear. 

"Y-Your not human."Tsumi gasped stepping back. "Your one of them!"

Tsumi had no time to react as Paimon took this chance to grab Xiao's mask out of Tsumi's hand and went straight for Lumine. "Paimon will take that, thank you~!"giggled the fairy as she slowed down beside her friend, handing the mask over. Relief seemed to take over Xiao as Lumine went over glaring at Tsumi as she walked past her as everything calmed down around her. It had been brief but the blonde's powers had leaked out through the seal. Carefully she fastened his mask back to his belt where it belonged.

"You got some nerve touching what isn't yours. Why did you do that, to him?"Paimon asked angrily. "That was super mean!"

Tsumi sighed, "He left me no choice. A Yaksha's weakness is their mask, grab their mask and their nothing but obedient regardless if they want to or not. He is in no shape to fight."

Those words made Lumine furious as she tensed after helping Xiao to his feet, arm over her shoulder. "That wench, wicked, cruel, vicious, venomous reptile!!"she thought turning a look onto Tsumi that could could if possible. Tsumi had found his weakness and even took advantage of him having nobody but Paimon there to watch over him in his condition. But it made sense now why Xiao let nobody touch or near his mask. Why he always had it on his person and...why he was always so on guard. But most terrifyingly it made her realize he was forcing himself to stay awake as long as he could.

"Explain yourself, now Tsumi. Your not human and by now I'm sure you figured out about what I'm capable of."Lumine asked coldly. It was taking everything for Xiao to stay on his feet, the effects still lingering from being poisoned by the void before earlier today still apparent. 

"O-Only a vishap or the archons would know that secret. Damn reptile."huffed Xiao doing his best to hide his current condition. He hadn't felt a fear or sensation like that in centuries. He hadn't wanted Lumine to find out this way.

"I have no intention of explaining my self to your kind girl! The Old Ones and the humans, all of them are alike. Impossible to distinguish from the other in appearances. Although I am able to communicate with you nothing but betrayal has ever come from both your kinds."hissed Tsumi. Slowly reaching up to grab her mask to remove if only briefly to reveal to them her snake-like eyes that could pierce the very soul. pupils long and slender making her gaze intense and was a beautiful contrast to Tsumi's actually fair and beautiful appearance. But just as quickly Tsumi put the mask back on as she continued, "The conflict between humans, your kind, and the elemental races will never cease. But before I leave, I'll destroy this inferno light."

"You think you have what it takes, Tsumi?"asked Lumine in a serious tone.  There was something about Tsumi, Lumine was noticing that didn't quite add up with Enjou's tale. Not at all in the slightest when she turned her mind to her innocent friend, Chongun and the sly and frail doctor, Baizhu. Both of them had very good hearts though Baizhu at times was more questionable at times she trusted Baizhu. Chongyun while naïve and innocent was a good friend and couldn't hurt a fly. Then there was Tsumi whom despite what she'd done had healed and helped those samurai. Tsumi had even helped Xiao, despite her little stunt with taking his mask earlier. Slowly Lumine helped Xiao to sit down so lean against the pillar as he watched Tsumi with a harsh hawk-like stare.

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