Just before nightfall Maester Pycelle come to check on me, giving me milk of the poppy to ease my pain. "What can you remember before blacking out?"

"I remember the fight, the blow I took to my chest, and the pain. I was laying on the ground and could not get up, even when Sandor tried to help, the pain was just too much. I heard people screaming my name and being lifted off the ground." Pycelle nodded, writing in his journal.

"Sandor was quite worried about you." Grand Maester Pycelle said, closing his book and ready to leave.

"Wait! What do you mean by that Grand Maester?" That can not be, right? He would not be concerned about me.

"He was the one who brought you here, placed you on the bed gently, and sat on that chair after hours when everyone left."

Thanking him, he went to his chambers and left me with my thoughts. I wondered if Sandor will be visiting me tonight? And just as I suspected.

He did not.

After a few days of bed rest, Maester Pycelle granted me healthy enough to go back to my duties. Arya ran to hug me when I walked to their dining room, Sansa on the other hand sat at the table, eating her breakfast.

"Good to see too Arya and Sansa, Septa Mordane." I greeted them, but Sansa rolled her eyes at me and scoffed.

"You were stupid to do that Y/n."

"Sansa!" Both Septa Mordane and Arya gasped at the young lady's comment.

"It is alright, she has the right to say what she thinks. Well, Sansa for you it might be stupid, but for me, it was saving a life. I'll call that brave." I smirked when she scoffed again, standing up and leaving her half-eaten food, to go get ready for the day.

Septa Mordane followed her out with Jeyne and left me with Arya. My stomach grumbled smelling the eggs, bacon, and toast. Sitting down where Sansa sat, I moved the plate closer to me and started eating.

"How are your dancing lessons going?" Arya moved her glass of orange juice towards me, giving her a thankful nod, she answered.

"It is going great! Syrio Forel is teaching me a lot, today I have to go catch some more cats."

"Is that how you got those scratch marks?" She nodded, pulling her shirt sleeves down, and covering them.

"If you are enjoying yourself then I am happy."

Cersei wanted to spend some time with Sansa, Arya was chasing her cats, and I had a day off, finally.

Lord Stark and Jory were going into the towns of King's Landing and doing whatever they were doing. I couldn't care less.

I wandered through the castle, and the gardens and went to a nearby pub. A tavern wench poured me some ale and went on to the other patrons. I went to go sit at the bar, drinking my ale in peace. The door opened again, the room went quiet for a second, and the person ordered a drink.

I know that voice, it was the voice in my dream state.

Turning around, I watched the tall figure sitting at the far back table of the tavern. The corner he sat in was dark, but nobody could mistake his scarred face.

Should I go over and thank him?

No, I saw he just wanted to be at peace like I also wanted and I will respect that. Paying for my drink, I stood up, making my way past the people and out the door, realizing someone was watching me.

It was almost sunset. The sky changed its normal blue to yellow, orange, and red. Quite beautiful.

The door opened again. Sandor searched the street, looking wildly for something or someone. "Who are you looking for, Clegane?" I sat on an empty beer barrel, sharpening my daggers, nice, and fine.

"Nobody." He sneered.

"You look ugly when you lie."

"I already look hideous, Rofle."

"That is not true." I jumped off the barrel, slowly walking towards him. We were chest to chest, I looked up at him through my eyelashes. The colors of the sky hit his face, bringing out his broken eyes.

"Now tell me the truth. Why did you blame me for interfering between you and your psychotic brother?" Sandor shook his head with confusion, taking a step backward, creating distance.

"What are you talking about, woman?"

"I heard you telling me I was stupid and should have never helped you."

"Where in the fuck did you hear that?"

"When I was unconscious, I had a dream. I was in my old home and my father spoke to me, but his voice wasn't his own. It was yours, Sandor. Now tell me, why did you sit at my bedside that night?"

Clearing his throat, he grabbed my forearm and forced me to walk alongside him in the opposite direction of the Red Keep. "I needed to know if you will be alright."

He never looked at me once while we strolled through the streets of Dubrovnik. "My brother is a harsh man, he killed his two wives for an unknown reason. In King Robert's Rebellion, he burst into the royal chambers and bashed Elia's infant son's head against a stone wall, killing him instantly in front of her. Rhaenys, her daughter, was killed after she was found hiding under Rhaegar's bed. The Mountain was covered in the blood and gore of her children, he proceeded to brutally rape Elia, finally killing her by crushing her head into pieces."

"That man is a sick, sick bastard." I covered my mouth, images of the dead children and head-crushed woman played in my mind.

"And that is why I got mad when you blindly jumped in and took him on yourself. Why did you do that?"

Shrugging my shoulders, I picked at the hilt of my sword. "You were on your back, your sword out of reach and I did not know if you could stop his blow in time. So without thinking twice, I jumped over the barrier and stopped it for you. I know you are capable, but I could not risk it." He fell silent and so did I. The silence grew more and I could not take it anymore, I looked up at him and he was already staring at me.

It was intense. My stomach made cartwheels, my legs felt weak, and my breath hitched in my throat as our eyes locked on one another.

Would it be wrong if I jumped on him right now, right here?

Biting my bottom lip hard, decreasing the desire my cunt was sending to cloud my judgment. I looked at him once more, taking in every detail I can before heading back to the Red Keep.

Sandor growled softly to himself, watching me walk away and headed deeper into the town. I turned around seeing him heading in the direction of Lord Baelish's whorehouse and a strange feeling boiled in my stomach.

Ignoring the feeling, I walked stiffly towards the castle and slammed my bedroom door closed.

Gripping my brown hair through my fingers, I groaned in frustration. "Am I angry because I know where he is and what he will be doing? Or am I frustrated because it has been months since I fucked someone?"

Or maybe you are angry that he isn't fucking the frustration out of you?

"No, it can not be!" I screamed in my pillow. I stayed in the room the whole night, exhausted, out of breath, and my skin coated with sweat.

Running Through The Woods - Sandor Clegane Where stories live. Discover now