No More Chances

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Surprise! You get two chapters today because it's Friday!! Also, I couldn't leave y'all hanging after how the last chapter ended hehe.

Y'all have any fun plans for the weekend?? I've only got a few chapters left to type up, so that's how I'm going to spend my Saturday haha. Enjoy!

Trigger warning: brief abuse/assault scene

"What... how are you here? Shouldn't you be..." My voice is small, my fear evident.

"In jail? Yeah, thanks to you." Gabe growls. "I gave you an out, Aspen. My attorney suggested my apology as a way to drop the trial, but I was willing to take you back." His voice suddenly softens, surprising me. "I meant what I said. I still love you."

My eyes flit between Gabe and the end of the alley. It's too far away to make a break for it. Harvey stands at my side and he stares at Gabe, his lips drawn back in a snarl.

"Gabe-" I start, thinking of the best way to say what I need to without him getting mad. The odds are not good. "I can't. You hurt me so many times."

"I said I was sorry, Aspen! What more do you want from me?"

"I want you in jail for the things you did to me!"

"And that's where I'm going! It's only going to be five or 10 years, we can be together when I get out!" Gabe pleads, his voice cracking.

"I don't feel safe with you, Gabe. You really think I could ever love you again?" I lower my voice, saying the words as gently as possible, but his eyes flash angrily. "There's no way to take back or fix what you did. Like your attorney said, I give unnecessary second and third chances. It's time I stop doing that. I'm sorry." I say, lowering my eyes. I shouldn't even be apologizing.

"Aspen." Gabe begs, his voice tight. "Please. I need you. I will do anything. I'll never hurt you again, I swear."

"How many times did you say that when we were together?" I shout, throwing my hands up. "That means nothing, Gabe. You always get angry again. You always hurt me after promising to stop. Yeah, the bruises faded, but I'll never be able to forget about the things you did."

"But I mean it this time, Aspen. We can move past this, I'll help you forget about the old me."

I shake my head, swallowing hard. "We're done, Gabe. I'm in love with someone else."

Gabe laughs suddenly. The sound is harsh, loud and full of anger. "You call that love? She's a girl, Aspen. Girls with girls? That's not how love works. The sex probably sucks, too. I can show you how it's supposed to be."

"Fuck you." I say in a low voice. "My relationship with Rylie is none of your fucking business. You know nothing about love, or sex for that matter."

"Right. You think I raped you." Gabe scoffs as he runs a hand through his wild hair.

"You did rape me!"

"You wanted me. You were practically begging." He sneers. "Your eyes said more than enough. I did you a favor."

"Begging? I was in the middle of breaking up with you. How is that begging? Fuck you, Gabe. I want you out of my life for good." I say, shoving past him. Before I can take two steps, his hand is on my arm again, much tighter than before. "Let me go." His fingernails burn as he tightens his grip, digging them deeper into my skin with each passing second.

"No." Gabe spits. Harvey starts growling then, a low sound I'd never heard from him before.

"I'm going to scream if you don't drop your hand."

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