A New Bond

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2-24-2022- Hello, good morning or evening, how are y'all?:) Heads up, there is smut in this chapter lol enjoyyyy

"You're here." Rylie's mom sounds tired, and surprise is evident in her voice as Rylie and I walk in her hospital room. She's sitting in bed, propped up with pillows. A nurse works beside her, pulling a blanket over her legs and cleaning  up a few final things. Dillon sits asleep in the chair at her bedside.

"Of course I am. Despite our... differences, you're still my mom, and Harper is my sister." Rylie says. My heart shifts at her words, and I'm so proud of her progress.

"She's perfect, isn't she?" Kristen smiles sleepily.

"She is. I'm glad she's going to be okay." Rylie pauses. "I'm glad you're both going to be okay." Kristen meets Rylie's eyes with surprise, and I make out a new warmth there. Her gaze moves to mine and surprisingly, the warmth doesn't completely vanish.

"It's good to see you again, Aspen."

"You too. Your baby is beautiful." Kristen smiles at my words. At that moment, the door opens behind us and Rylie and I move aside as a nurse wheels in a small portable bassinet. Once beside the bed, the nurse gently lifts the tiny baby from the bassinet before placing her in Kristen's arms. She then spends a few minutes explaining things to Kristen and Dillon, who just woke up, before she and the other nurse quietly leave the room. Rylie moves to her mothers side, staring down in awe at Harper.

"Would you like to hold her?" Kristen asks. Rylie nods and carefully takes the baby in her arms before sitting on the small couch behind her.

"Aspen," She whispers without taking her eyes from the baby. "Come here." I glance at Kristen briefly and she nods. Careful not to wake the sleeping baby, I sit gently next to Rylie and gaze at little Harper.

She's breathing evenly now, soft little breaths that we can barely hear. Occasionally, she makes tiny sounds and whimpers as she dreams. Rylie cradles Harper in her arms, scanning every single detail of her face.

The baby makes a tiny movement suddenly, and her eyes slowly blink open. Eyes that are the same exact blue as Rylie's "Hi," Rylie says with a little laugh. I can hear the emotion in her voice. She quickly turns to me. "Her eyes!" She says.

"I know. Just like yours." I smile and gently wipe a single tear from Rylie's cheek. A single, happy tear.

Rylie moves her finger to touch Harpers tiny fist, and giggles when Harper wraps her hand around her finger.

"I think she likes you." Rylie's mom says from the bed. Her voice is full of emotion, too.

"I like her a lot." Rylie smiles. She turns to me after several minutes pass. "Do you want to hold her?" I nod, and Rylie carefully passes the baby to me.

I knew Harper was small, but I didn't realize how small until I was holding her in my arms. Her head rests in the crook of my arm, and her feet barely reach the bottom of my wrist. I place one hand on her back and hug her close to me.

"It's like she weighs nothing." I say softly.

"5 pounds, 14 oz." Kristen tells me from the bed.

"Wow. I don't think I've ever held a baby this small." I reply with a laugh. Harper is fast asleep now, with her lips slightly parted. I can't seem to wrap my head around how small she is, or how my palm seems to cover her entire back. She really is so perfect.


Rylie and I stay for another hour before leaving so Kristen can get some rest.

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