A Perfect Moment

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"Ooh..." Rylie says approvingly as she comes out of the bathroom. "I like that outfit. A lot." I was in jean shorts and a simple white top. Granted, the shorts were... well, short. But that wasn't anything new.

"I've worn outfits like this many times before." I laugh.

"I know, but it's different today. Maybe we should just stay in tonight..." Rylie bites her lip as she places her hands on my hips and pulls me closer.

"Maybe it's my tan." I joke. "We cannot stay in, this is the fair, Rylie." The same fair we'd gone to last year for the 4th of July.

"I know, I know. But you're killing me..."

"This'll give you something to look forward to afterwards, then." I say in a low voice before kissing her. She holds me against her until I break away laughing. I take a moment to study her, which is a mistake because suddenly I want to stay back.

Rylie is dressed in a short grey romper with thin straps on her shoulders. Her hair is a mix between wavy and curly, brushing the top of her shoulders. Her tan definitely does wonders, bringing out the freckles across her cheeks and nose, and making her eyes bluer than normal.

My girlfriend is hot.

"Are you eye fucking me?" Rylie asks with a smirk.

"No. You're insanely hot. Come back here." I demand before pulling her back to me. She giggles in the moment before my lips touch hers, and I enjoy the feeling of her smile.

"Maybe we should stay back..." I murmur, and Rylie laughs.

"Too late, I'm already excited for the Ferris wheel and the samurai."

I groan and drop my head back. "Do we have to do samurai?"

"Yes, Aspen. You liked it last time! I'll let you hold my hand again." She wiggles her eyebrows at me and I laugh.

"Oh, you'll let me do a lot more than that tonight." I whisper and Rylie laughs before pulling away.


Sounds, smells and lights surround us as we enter the fair, and I can't keep the grin off of my face. Sounds of children laughing and people screaming fill the air, and smells of hot dogs, hamburgers, fries and even cotton candy invade my senses. Flashing lights from the pier, shops and rides surround us, lighting up the fair as the sun sets. The waves crash calmly to our right, while the fair stretches out in front of us to the left.

The first time I came to the fair, it was like a dream. This time wasn't much different at all. Except this time I was with Rylie as my girlfriend, not just as a friend.

"Which ride are we doing first?" I ask Rylie as she slips her fingers between mine.

"We've got maybe a half hour before sunset, so how about samurai?" She grins and I shake my head as I laugh.

"I'm not even surprised. Let's go." I say with an eye roll, laughing as Rylie pulls me excitedly along. I wish I had my camera in that moment as I watch her. Then I remember, I have a phone with a perfectly good camera and quickly pull it out, wanting to capture this moment to save forever. I focus the video on Rylie as she leads us towards the ride, and all the people, lights and attractions  fill the background. But Rylie is the spotlight. She turns briefly towards me, with the biggest smile on her face, and I feel myself falling even more in love with her.

How is it even possible to love someone this much already, and continually keep falling for them?

I suddenly stop and pull Rylie towards me until our lips connect. She kisses me back with no hesitation, but when we finally break apart, surprise covers her happy face.

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