I'm Yours.

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A/N: Smut in chapter:)

"What movie is this?" My mother asks from my left. We decided to walk to the theater, being that it was only a few blocks away and it hadn't rained like we'd expected.

"Cruella. I heard it was really good!" I respond.

"Really? All of my friends hated it."

"Mom, your friends are all much older than us and don't know what's cool nowadays. Don't listen to them." I say with a laugh.

Rylie slips her hand into mine as we walk, rubbing her thumb lightly across my skin. People pass us on the sidewalk, going about their Saturday and not paying attention to anything else. I liked people watching and never understood how people didn't people watch. I did tend to get distracted when people watching, but Rylie was generally there to keep me walking by her side. We'd had several conversations about it, and she'd always laughed but kept doing it.

We get to the theater within 15 minutes, and I grn. This was my favorite theater in the city by far. It had the recliner chairs, which were obviously a must. But the theater as a whole had a cute older theme. The building was all brick, and almost felt like we were in Paris. All of the pictures for the movies were in frames that had a 50's vibe, and the snack counter had the same theme.

It was crowded, which made sense, since it was a Saturday evening. Rylie leads the way to the ticket booth and buys all three tickets despite my protesting. I try to hide my laugh when my mom slips some cash into Rylie's purse without her noticing.

"What?" Rylie asks me, narrowing her eyes.

"Nothing. I'll tell you later." I respond with a smile before taking her hand as we head to our theater.

I couldn't explain how much I loved being able to take Rylie's hand in public and not have to worry. We'd been so careful when we were at camp that it had taken a few weeks to get used to the fact that we didn't have to hide anymore. It had been fun and exciting to sneak around camp with each other, but I loved being able to love Rylie in public. But even though we thought we'd hidden it well, all of our friends had known. We still laughed about that.

I sit between my mother and Rylie, smiling when Rylie slides the armrest up and pulls me to her side.

"We're still a few minutes early, I'm gonna go get snacks!" She says, kissing me quickly before leaving the theater. When she returns a few minutes later, she has a big cup, popcorn and a couple boxes of candy. "I realized I didn't know what you'd want to drink, but I can go back!" Rylie says to my mom.

"That's okay, I have my water." My mother smiles.

"I got us a Dr. Pepper. Your favorite." Rylie whispers with an adorable smile. I'm suddenly struck with the memory of Gabe at a movie theater and him getting the wrong soda twice. And him flirting with the worker. And his comment about my weight. It was one of my least favorite memories. Rylie notices the look on my face and takes my hand gently. "I'm not him." She says softly, and I squeeze her hand.

I'd told her so much about Gabe and most of the flashbacks I used to have of him. She'd been there to help me through each one and I was so thankful.

"You're nothing like him. And I'm grateful for that." I say, pressing a soft kiss to her lips as the movie begins. Her hand slips into mine while her other traces soft lines up my arm. I couldn't lie, this was my favorite part of the movies.


"That movie was so good!" Rylie says as we walk out of the theater.

"I told you it would be good! Plus, it had Emma Stone in it." I say, and Rylie laughs, knowing that Emma was one of my celebrity crushes.

"You're right," My mom replies with a laugh. "It was pretty good! I loved how it wrapped everything up."

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