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3/1/2022- I just checked, and if I had stuck with my "once a week" posting schedule, we would only be on chapter 9 haha I'm glad that's not the case!

The next two days are spent surfing, boogie boarding, and exploring Wrightsville. Despite the initial nervousness I'd had about spending the weekend with Hadley and Jack, it ended up being the perfect weekend.

When we're packing up the car Monday morning, Hadley pulls me aside. I follow her away from the car, stopping next to the beach access entrance. The waves are calm this morning, crawling calmly onto the shore to my right.

"When is your showcase?" Hadley asks.

"Wednesday. But you really don't have to..."

"I want to come, Aspen. Supporting you is important to me. Plus, your photography is always amazing, and I want to see what you've done!" She smiles warmly at me.

"Thank you, Hadley."

"You're welcome. I also wanted to talk to you about Gabe..." She trails off, and anxiety begins filling my stomach. "He called me on Saturday."

"What?" My voice is a whisper.

"He somehow knew I was with you this weekend." She hurries on when my eyes widen. "He didn't know where. That's what he asked, though. He said he just wants to talk to you. Like I'd ever let that happen." Hadley lets out a bitter laugh and I feel my heart warm. She was still looking out for me. "He knows you live in Charlotte now, Aspen. Did you ever tell him where your Aunt Cassie lived?"

I shake my head quickly. "I brought her up a few times but I never told him where. Do you think he could find out?

"I don't know. But he'll try. He's angry. You got away from him and you're pressing charges. He refuses to see his fault in this, only that he wants you in his control."

"That won't happen." Rylie says, coming up beside me. She slips her arm around my waist and I lean into her touch. "Did he forget what I told him when I broke his nose?"

Hadley smiles. "I don't think any of us will ever forget that. I'll be honest, I was a little bit afraid of you after that." Rylie laughs at her words.

"Sorry about that. I only meant to scare Gabe."

"Whoa!" I gasp. "You said his name!" My voice is an awed whisper.

"I know, it tasted awful." Rylie laughs. "Thank you for keeping Aspen updated on him." Rylie says to Hadley.

"Of course. If I hear anything else, I'll let you know. When is the trial?"

"It starts on the 24th of June."

"Oh wow, that's soon. If either of you need anything leading up to that, or even after, Jack and I will be there."

"Thank you, Hadley. Let's all just hope he doesn't try anything."

"I've been hitting the gym more so if he even tries anything, I'll break more than just his nose." Jack says, joining us. "Y'all ready to hit the road? I've got a fun lunch idea you'll like." He grins before leading us to the car.

"Lancasters Bar-B-Que? Do I trust you enough to eat here?" I joke with Jack.

"Ha-ha. So funny, Aspen. This is the best BBQ place I know. The inside is pretty cool, too." He replies before stepping out of the car. I open my door and step outside, letting the warm, humid air fill my lungs before studying the building in front of us.

"It's not much on the outside, is it?" I say, using one hand to shield the sun from my eyes. The building is long and brick with black paned windows spaced evenly along the front. Two simple signs with the restaurant name hang above the doors, and a large metal sign in the shape of a pig's head sits between the two. The pig wears a chef's hat and a checkered napkin around its neck. A tall, black lamp post stands on the sidewalk in front of the door, while two more black lamps hang from both corners of the building. A black overhanging roof lines the entire length of the wall just a few feet above the windows. The more I study the building, the more I like it.

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