Neo World program

Start from the beginning

Eventually the other students started to arrive into the room. Some people took seats, but others stood and looked around at others. I took note of each person. Chiaki was sat in the corner, playing on her own gamegirl. Akane and Nekomaru were conversing. Twogami was stood in another corner, observing everyone. Souda was ogling at Sonia while Sonia was talking with Gundham. Fuyuhiko was sat at a desk with his feet up, Peko standing nearby clearly on guard. Nagito was sitting by the window, with Mikan sitting near him. Teruteru was looking at everyone while nodding his head, in a thinking pose. Ibuki was chatting to Mahiru while Mahiru was looking at her camera. Hiyoko was sat at the desk next to them, eyeing my gummies. I sighed a bit, ignoring her the best I could. I couldn't just hand them to her, she isn't the same one I know. I shook my head and closed the bag, putting it back into my pocket. She looked visibly upset, but I looked away to ignore her as the door was opened for a final time. Hajime entered the room. 

Hajime seemed disoriented and people began talking to him, questioning him which didn't really help his confusion. I began ignoring them as I continued playing the game to get to a save point, all while thinking about this situation. This simulation is supposed to be a form of therapy, to get rid of their bad memories and replace it with good ones. I figured it would be a high school simulation but shouldn't it start at orientation instead of gathering us all into a classroom? Eventually I made it to a save point as a voice rang out in the classroom. "Ah, you're wrong. This is not an entrance exam." Twogami looked around and spoke "What was that?" Fuyuhiko stood up and 'glared' at twogami "Hey, fatass... why'd you make that cutesy voice all of a sudden" Twogami crossed his arms "I won't dispute your blunt remark about my weight. But that voice you just heard was not mine..." I sighed and spoke up "It came from behind the teacher's podium." Everyone turned to the front as the voice spoke up again "Alright, It looks like everyone's here. Let's begin!" 

Out of the air, a light ball formed and out of it came Usami, dressed in a magical girl outfit and holding a magical girl staff. Sonia spoke up "What is that?" Mahiru spoke next "Um... it looks like a stuffed animal..." Usami spoke in a high pitched voice "That's right, I am a squeezable soft stuffed animal. Magical Miracle Girl ★ Usami... A.K.A. Usami! I may not look like it, but I am your squeezable soft teacher. Nice to meet you all!" Everyone was silent for a moment until teruteru spoke "H-huh, Am I hallucinating? Am I the only one who's seeing this?" Souda scratched his head "Nah, I see it too..." Akane looked confused "Huh, what's this talking Chihuahua?" Ibuki tilted her head "EH!? That's a Chihuahua.!?" Usami spoke "Does Everybody here know what a rabbit is" I let out a sigh "Hey uh, can you actual move while you speak, while it's impressive that you've held that pose, it's kinda creepy" She immediately changed to a different pose "I'm not suposed to seem creepy, I'm a lovable, singing, talking, dancing rabbit mascot!" Teruteru spoke "Can I have a moment to process all of this?" Usami held her staff in her hand "Of course!" While everyone began talking and Twogami interrogated Usami for information about what was going on. I tuned out once more as I began questioning things. How is she holding that staff without hands? Does that staff just stick to her, or is the truth more terrifying? Like thousands of tiny hands that only look like a stub. Actually... I think I'll just consider it magic. 

My thoughts are interupted as the walls of the classroom disappear and reveal that we are on a beach. I sighed a bit as I looked around, the temperature slowly adjusted around us to fit the scenery. I looked over at the others just in time to see them start freaking out. Usami called out, trying to calm everyone down, but it only made the situation worse. Usami began explaining the situation in detail. This was supposedly a school trip organized by hopes peak. The students would be staying on this uninhabited island in order to grow closer together and form bonds. After her explanation, Hajime turned pale and dropped to the sand, unconscious. I sighed a bit as Usami seemed to freak out before handing everyone a ehandbook and disappearing. I sighed and spoke up "Alright, this situation is confusing, but we need to keep level heads and asses the situation properly." Souda spoke up loudly "Keep a level head? In a situation like this! We don't know where we are or any way out of here!" Twogami spoke up "No, He's right. In situations like this we need to remain calm and understand out situation entirely." Mahiru looked down at her camera "You say that... but what are we supposed to do" I sighed again "First asses the area, find out what's here and available to us. A clear understanding of your environment and resources is crucial in unknown situations." Nagito spoke up "ah, such outstanding reaction despite the situation. are you perhaps the ultimate survivalist?" I shook my head "Nonsense. I may have the skills to be a survivalist, but only only the Ultimate Protector, Y/n Kamukura."

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