Once again (REVISING APR'22)

Start from the beginning

"I insist. You wouldn't say no to the prince, would you?"

"Fine." he exhaled, after a long pause. "Then finish that quickly, Mitch." he said after another long thinking moment.

"You remember my name."

"You remembered mine, it would be shit if I didn't remember yours. Plus, your name is normally all over the news. I'm a criminal, not a hermit." he got up and put his and my finished lunches on the little trayset, leaving me only with my soda.

We went outside and he unlocked his car, a black Range Rover. I smiled as I entered the passenger seat and watched him take control of that monster.


His house was huge. Well, not as huge as mine. It was also far away from home, from college: from everywhere.

"Your house is... big." I said, looking around.

"Not as big as yours." he put the keys on the little coffee table he had in his main hall. "But it'll do. And sorry for the smell."

I followed him towards a room where four people were sitting on the couch, smoking and drinking. He let out a mighty "hey", to which everyone looked. One of them stood up.

"Is that the Queen's grandson?" he said in a deep tone. "What the fuck is he doing here?" he despised me, I could tell.

"He helped me escape that place, you fucking idiot. Without him I'd be dead." he raised an eyebrow at the other guy, who immediately took a step back.

"Oh. My bad, prince." BUT WHY PRINCE.

"My name is Mitch."

"Well, I'm Alex and this one's Avi. That one over there is Kevin and this little bitch over here is Kirstie. And don't worry, I don't wanna have sex with you. Yet." everyone laughed, except for Scott, who rolled his eyes.

"That's a fucking prince, what happened to good manners?" Avi said, smacking the back of Alex's head and making fun of me. Not that I cared, I was too busy admiring his little bun.

"I'm not who you think I am." I said, laughing. "I wanna learn stuff from you." they all looked at each other and started cracking up laughing, leaving me confused. "What's so funny?"

"What do you think we do?" Scott asked me.

"You rob, kill, smoke, drink, live by your own rules..." I summarized the thing and he looked at me surprised.

"This isn't the life for you. You're a prince, not a peasant like us." Avi said. I frowned at him and quickly stole the glass that Alex was holding, not sure what was inside of it but I still took a sip. "Wow, what a rebel." he sarcastically said.

"Scott can I talk to you for a second?" I asked and he pulled me not so gently to the corner of the room, staring in my eyes. "Please let me be one of you. I can learn and you can teach me!"

"You don't want that."

"I do, I know my rights."

"Aren't y-"

"No, I'm not afraid! Please!!" I almost begged.

"Well, then your wish is my command, prince." he bowed down to me. "May your classes be always after college."

"Wait, classes? I need classes for this?"

"Yeah, unless you wanna get killed already." Kevin said, approaching us. "We have to work hard on that one." he grabbed a bit of my fringe, sniffed it and released it, just to go sit back in the couch with an ironic smirk on his face.

Well, that was awkward.

"I can tell he didn't really like me." I said.

"Oh he doesn't really like anyone." Alex said, laughing. "Have you decided which one of us you want for your professor?"

"Yeah, all of you, I guess."

"Your wish shall be fulfilled." Avi said. "You start tomorrow."

I smiled at them and then turned my face to Scott, who smiled at me.


I was laying in my bed, again with nothing but boxers and an open shirt on. Me and the guys had given each others numbers to one another and me and Scott were texting each other nonstop.

S: You can still abandon this, prince. This isn't for you.

M: If I'm a prince then you should always obey me, slave. - I laughed.

S: I'll remember the "slave" one during the upcoming classes. - Now I was a bit confused.

M: Slave? Upcoming classes? What do you mean?

S: Actually you'll take classes with me first, okay? Just wait, Mitch.

M: What do you mean? I didn't get it.

S: You don't need to understand it for now. Why so many questions, though? Are you afraid?

M: If I wasn't afraid before then I'm not afraid now, you idiot.

S: Whew, thank God.


(1) Shirt: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CBhNdqqXEAAyuGj.jpg ; http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=155805042

He's not afraid (a Scott Hoying & Mitch Grassi fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now