Part 1- Chapter Four - Home

ابدأ من البداية

"Not good," Clay said simply.

He dug around in his pocket and brought out a cigarette. "Would you like one?"

She shook her head.

"Suit yourself," he said and lit it. "What were you guys doing out there?"

"I dunno. What were you doing out there?"

"He thinks you're aliens, you know."

Clay blinked, confused.

Zach exhaled a cloud of smoke. "Gabriel. He thinks the GreenerPastures laboratory contains aliens and alien hybrids, but I don't think so."

Clay bristled. "How do you know that name?"

"Everyone around here knows about it. Kids in school tell stories about it to scare each other, but the kosher talk around town is that they're a research centre that specialises in pine beetles and deer ticks. That's not entirely true though, is it?"

Clay's cheeks burned. Thankfully, she was saved from replying when Gabriel returned with a woman at his side. Clay saw concern shadow her hazel eyes. The woman wrangled her curly auburn hair back into a loose ponytail while she walked.

When she reached the bed of the truck, the woman reached out. "Give her to me, I'll do what I can."

Clay hesitated. Anpiel groaned in her sleep.

"We've got to get her looked after," the woman insisted, though her tone remained soft. "I promise, I'll be as gentle as I can. I only want to help."

"I'll carry her in."

"That's fine," said the woman. She stepped back so Clay could slide out of the truck bed with Anpiel still in her arms. Clay followed Gabriel, and who she assumed must be Sam, back into the house with Zach following behind.

Despite herself, Clay's hands shook. Other than her brief time in Rachael's house, she had never set foot in one before. They climbed up to a small porch and manoeuvred around the plastic deck furniture and barbeque as they all crowded through. Gabriel held the door for them and Sam ushered them forward into the kitchen. A sense of claustrophobia took over Clay. Her mouth and throat became puffy and swollen. She struggled to catch her breath.

What have I done? What did I get us into?

Sam guided them from the kitchen, through the living room and into the master bedroom. The queen-size bed nearly took up the entirety of the room and was perfectly made up with a pink and purple floral duvet and pillows to match. At Sam's direction, Clay placed Anpiel down on top of it. Her left wing draped over the side of the bed, while the other spread out behind her. She whimpered, and her eyelids fluttered, but she did not wake up.

Clay ground her back teeth together and wrung her hands. Every muscle in her was tense, ready to run, but she knew she had no choice but to trust these people.

What else am I supposed to do?

Gabriel and Zach squeezed into the tiny room, just so Sam could turn them out again. "There's not enough space, go make yourselves useful and bring me the first aid kit, warm water, boards, rope and some towels."

Gabriel and Zach hustled back out of the room to do as she asked. All Clay could do was stand back and watch, her heart in her throat.

Sam stripped away Anpiel's pants and for the first time, Clay saw her wound fully. Anpiel's flesh was torn away from the muscle. White bone appeared between chunks of gristle. Anpiel began to shiver, and her jaw chattered. Her face turned grey, and the cracked skin of her lips took on a light shade of blue.

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