Part 1- Chapter Two- One Stone

Start from the beginning

Smith's face turned an alarming shade of purple, skipping several stages of red altogether. "You dare to stand there and negotiate with me after what you've done? This only serves to show me you have no respect for me or this institution. You will do as you're told."

Or what?

A chill rippled from the top of her head to her toes. If it was from excitement or fear she couldn't tell.

You're already asking me to do the worst thing imaginable. There's nothing left to take from me.

The double doors pushed open and two guards entered with A2 restrained between them. Her wings drooped behind her, her shoulders rounded forward. Already, purple, blue and red bruises began to pepper the visible parts of her arms and legs. 

A2's sobs echoed off the cement walls to fill the silence. 

E1 struggled not to look at her. She swallowed around the lump in her throat. Darkness crept along the edges of her vision. The sting of her finger nails against the tender fresh scabs in the center of her palm distracted her from the rising heat searing in her chest. 

"E1, I am not going to ask you again. Kill her," Smith commanded.

"Sir please, I don't think you understand what happened. Doctor Sean attempted to perform an unauthorised examination on A2. I - I - " she closed her eyes as she struggled to find the words to describe what she saw. Her fingernails bit into the scab.  When she opened her honey brown eyes again, she thought she could explain. "I saw them both restrain A2 and they touched her, and attempted to restrain her in a way that I've never seen before. I know it was a bad thing they were doing. I reminded them this interaction was not authorised....."

"How dare you try to tell me what I do or do not understand. James has already informed me of the situation, and the matter is settled. I should have A2's tongue cut out to pay for your lies. Even if you're correct, a doctor was murdered and you are responsible. An eye for an eye. Now I'm not going to ask you again. Kill A2." He smashed his fist down on the control panel. "Now!"

"I'm sorry sir, I can't. A2 has done nothing wrong. I swear I will never question you again, or step one toe out of line if you allow me to spare her life." Her chest grew hot and tears stung her eyes. She struggled to push them back for fear of appearing weak.

"Don't beg E1. It's disgusting. I told you, I wasn't going to ask again. Guard, break its finger."


One of the guards took A2's hand and snapped her right index finger back at a terrible angle. Her hollow bones cracked with a sickening pop, and she shrieked.

The pounding in E1's temples grew into a continuous ringing in her ears.

Until this moment, A2 had managed to stay still and silent, but now she struggled against them. She spread her wings and flapped hard enough to get away from their grip. A2 ran as fast as she could towards E1. Not fast enough. The guards snatched her up and slammed her to the floor.

E1 winced. Everything in her wanted to go to A2, but her feet remained firmly planted in place. Her heart thundered while her mind ran a mile.

Smith leaned in towards the microphone. His gelled hair had come undone from its normally slick position and dangled in loose strands in front of his wild eyes. "We're going to break every one of its joints until you agree to put it out of its misery. Everything that happens to A2 from this point forward is entirely on you. You decide how long it has to suffer."

The pressure in her temples grew. Her eyes felt like they would burst. Her vision shrunk to a slim tunnel. Even the sensation of clothing on her skin grew too much. Hot pins and needles pricked every inch of her flesh.

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