Chapter 10. Quitting Addiction.

Start from the beginning

I chuckled as I walked toward the tree swishing my innocent white skirt around as I walked. Dan and Sami where sitting under the tree and Elliott was talking to some blond girl. As I drew closer I saw Dan teasing Sami as she glared at the bimbo ass Barbie that was talking to Elliott as I approached. When I grew closer I smirked toward Elliott who had a ‘help me!’ expression on his face as he tried to explain something to the girl, but she was just not catching any of his explanations. When I got with in hearing range I picked up on the conversation.

“Hailey, I love my girlfriend. I’m sorry if I mislead you in any way but I promise you I don’t like you like that,” said Elliott looking to me as Dan teased a very angry Sami.

“But you said all those nice things to me and you treated me better than all the guys…Elliott you know you don’t love that cold hearted bitch over there. You love me,” said the girl placing a hand on Elliott’s arm. Sami jumped to her feet and was about to lunge. No thanks to Dan, he could have stopped her. I reached forward and pulled Sami’s arm back sending her a let-me-deal-with-this look, then turned to Elliott and the delusional girl.

“Now what seems to be the problem here?” I asked the girl with a raised eyebrow. The girl sent me a glare and rolled her eyes.

“Go play wannabe somewhere else. People like Elliott, James and Dan don’t want to be around nerdy girls like you.” I rolled my eyes. Nerdy? That’s the best this chick had? With her shorts so short half her ass was hanging out and a band shirt four times too small for her. Oh, let’s not forget her bleached blond hair too. She wasn’t super thin with big boobs either; the girl was average, yet had that simple beauty about her. But the dark makeup and thick foundation covered that up. To be honest, her personality wasn’t that good looking either.

“So what if I don’t dress like them and do well in school? I still fit in here better than you ever will. Also here is another piece of advice: if I were you I would leave before my best friend’s boyfriend  alone before I let her rip your eyes out. Hell, I’ll probably help her,” I hissed. The girl just snorted and walked closer to me with a smirk.

“Listen here little girl. Just because your uptight ass isn’t getting any action doesn’t mean you have to stand in the way of others. Now I’m going to talk to Elliott here. I can handle your stuck up best friend for myself. So go on, go read or something like a good little girl,” she sneered reaching out to pat the top of my head, but her hand was stopped as another hand encircled her wrist and a hand snaked around my waist.

“Now, now, I’m the only one allowed to call her up on being a tight ass good girl, and please don’t touch her either. That’s my job,” said James as he pulled me closer to him and dropped the girls arm.

“Fuck off James. You and I both know this bitch is nothing but a little pet your group adopted or something, so just let it go,” the girl replied, but I was seeing red. I lifted my foot up and thrust it down to smash down on James’ foot. He jumped away in surprise and pain, cussing slightly under his breath. I swiveled around to face him almost forgetting the girl behind me.

“Where the hell do you get off James? I can handle this myself ok?! Damn it James! Is it your sole purpose in life to annoy me?! I swear-” but James cut me off.

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