Facts about Specter

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Here's some fun facts about ARC trooper
✨S p e c t e r ✨

- He's called Specter because he tends to creep up on someone when he wants to get their attention and ends up scaring them (like a ghost would). He doesn't do it on purpose, he just walks quieter than most.

- Specter doesn't talk that much. He's a little socially awkward and prefers to stick to the sidelines. When he's around those he's close with, however, he'll come out of his shell

- Despite his quiet nature, Specter is a very capable soldier who follows orders with ease. He often thinks outside of the box. He can communicate rather well for a trooper who doesn't talk much.

- Specter is a favorite among the clone cadets and can often be found training with them or engaging in their playful games.

- Although his tattoo can be viewed as a bit eerie and intimidating, Specter is a total sweetheart who would give you the shirt off his back. During the rare occasions when he is upset, however, it would be wise to stay out of his way.

- Contrary to popular belief, Specter hears a lot more than people think he does. He's always listening, which means he often hears other clones talking about him behind his back. He doesn't hold a grudge against them, but their words do hurt him deep down.

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