Chapter 3

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Author's POV

After (Y/n) finished recording, the gang was there confused. They wondered why (Y/n) was talking to a small box thing. They were shocked at how many fans she has as a blogger. All the fan mail she opened. She didn't even open the rest. Guess she is making another video for it.

The book sounded familiar to one of the members. He didn't know why it did, but it just did. He wanted to ask her, but Darry said no one talks in that room unless she finished with whatever she was doing. They also wondered why she had to get the small box thing. Once they noticed a small object in her hand, they realized it came from the small box.

"You guys can talk now I'm done recording." Said (Y/n). The gang just nodded their heads.

Ponyboy's POV

"Um (Y/n)?" I asked nervously. "Yes Pony?" She said. 'I don't think I can.What if I say something stupid? What if I she gets uncomfortable?' I thought. "Um, what was that book?" I asked. She looked at me and looked at the others who were whispering behind me.

I don't know what they were talking about, but I'm sure Darry will tell me soon. She looked at me again with a comfortable smile. "I'll speak to you later, I have to edit the video, I can't let my fans see a horrible one." She said as she left the room. I watched her leave the room and didn't know what she meant by that. 'Was it that bad? I made her uncomfortable didn't I?' I thought.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't hear Soda calling me. "Pony? Ponyboy? PONYBOY CURTIS?!" Soda yelled. I got startled that I fell on my butt. "Sorry, Pony didn't mean to scare you. Are you okay?" He asked, looking down at me. He took out his hand, and I grabbed it. He pulled me back up to my feet.

"It's alright! You didn't mean it, and yeah, I'm okay." I said. "Let me guess? Were you thinking about the book too?" Asked Darry, looking at me with crossed arms. I nodded, "I also asked her about it," I said, looking at him and the others.

"But she didn't say anything about it. She said that she will explain to us later when she finishes editing the video." I said, looking away from them. I was scared of what they would say about it.


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