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Danielle's POV

"Where the hell have you been?" a brown haired boy asked and turned around quickly. He had been facing Luke and a redhead.

"I'm sorry? I thought Luke told me to be here at three?" I was confused.

The boy took a deep breathe. "I'm sorry. I thought you were Ashton."

Luke hit the boy up the side of his head. "Sorry, Danielle. This is Calum." Luke then looked at the redhead. "And this is Michael."

"Hey," they said in sync.

I smiled. "Hi."

"Well." Luke clapped once. "Our drummer either decided not to come or he's running late, so it could be awhile before we can really play."

"Is he always late?" I asked, attempting to make and keep a conversation going.

"The time varies. Sometimes he will be thirty minutes to an hour late," the redhead, or Michael, said.

"So we're going to chill," Calum explained and fell back onto a beanbag chair.

"Here, Danielle," Luke said and pulled out a stool. Luke sat on one near me, and Michael sat in the second beanbag.

"Thanks." I sat down.

"So back to the song," Michael began to talk.

"No," Calum spat. I was confused on what was happening and assumed that they were continuing their conversation from before I arrived.

"Let's see what Danielle thinks," Luke spoke up. He turned to me. "Okay, Danielle, how do you feel about a song about video games?"

"Is this a serious question?" I asked. I looked at Michael. I looked back at Luke. "What do you guys usually write about?"

"Girls," Calum plainly said. I looked at him. From the looks, he looked like the regular teenager. He also seemed like a regular teenager: hormonal. I picked up on that, and I haven't even had a full conversation with him yet. "But then again doesn't everyone?"

"That's true," I agreed. Most songs were about relationships. All songs are actually. They can be about relationships with people, nature, life, etc.

The door that you entered to go in the house opened. Liz popped out. "Oh, Danielle! I'm so glad you came!" She looked around. "Ashton late again?" She sighed. "I have some snacks inside. Come on in while you wait." Everyone stood, so I followed them inside. Liz closed the door behind us. "The usual snacks." The usual snacks seemed to be chips and soda.

"Not hungry?" Calum asked as he popped a can of soda.

"I ate before I came," I replied.

"So did I," Michael stated. He threw some chips in his mouth.

I laughed. "I'm fine." Luke's phone went off, and he looked at it. He took a sip of soda and stood. He wiped his hands on his pants.

"Guys, Ashton said he's pulling up," Luke announced. Michael grabbed the chips and his drink.

"How are you going to eat that and play?" Calum asked Michael.

Michael shrugged. "I'll find a way." I followed the boys back out under the garage.

"So I finally get to hear some music?" I asked.

"It looks like it," Calum responded. I sat back down in the stool that Luke had gotten for me earlier. A black car pulled up and parked on the street. The boy who got out had shaggy hair and looked like he didn't care. "Where have the hell have you been?" That was what Calum had said to me when I got here when he thought I was Ashton.

Burning Dandelions (5SOS/Ashton Irwin)Where stories live. Discover now