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Danielle's POV

I sat at the counter while my mom started cooking spaghetti. That's what my mom always fixed because it was the basic meal that everyone loves, except I could live without it.

"Did they seem nice?" my mom asked as she stirred the noodles.

I swung my feet while I sat on the stool. "Liz did. Andy, her husband, was too busy moving for me to really tell. I'm sure he's nice."

"Did you say they had a son?" My mom continued to cook.

"They have three," and I went on to explain how only one lived with them and how I hadn't met him. Our conversation died down, so I put in my headphones and started listening to music. I had recently found interest in The Cinema. They were really good and had so much potential.

"So, drink it up, yeah, drink it up
Cause I know you'll kill this
Just one more, one more night out..."

"Danielle!" My mom interrupted my song. I widened my eyes as if to ask her 'what'. "I asked you to set the table." She passed me the plates, forks, and knives.

"Sorry," I said as I stood. I carried everything over to the table. I set the table for five. "Want me to do anything else?" I entered the kitchen to see my mom.

"I'd like for you to not wear sweats while we have company." I looked down at my pants. I had forgotten that I hadn't bothered getting dressed yet. "I suggest you hurry. They'll be here any minute." I ran to my room. My bedroom was downstairs. (When my Mom bought this house, she fell in love with the large master bedroom. I was about fifteen, so she didn't mind me being on a different floor level than her. Besides, I liked the ground level.) I immediately grabbed the clothes I had laid out. It was some slim fit jeans and a floral cross back cami top. I slipped on some black flip flops just so I had shoes on. I rushed back into the kitchen. "How's this?" I put one hand on my hip

"Trying to impress?" my mom asked.

I dropped my hand. "Mom, I'm not. I don't even know what this kid looks like. He could be ugly. Now, how do I look?" I put my hand back on my hip.

"You look good."

Ding dong.

"I got it," I told my mom. She was already starting to stand, but I rushed to the door. I opened the door to reveal three people, like I had expected. "Come on in," I greeted. Liz entered first with Andy following behind. The third person, who I'm assuming is Luke, stopped at the doorway.

"I'm Luke," he introduced himself.

"I'm Danielle." I smiled slightly. "Come on in." Luke looked down at his feet and smiled before he entered. He was definitely cute like his brother, maybe cuter. I shut the door and looked behind me. My mother had already started a conversation with Liz and Andy. Luke was standing near them.

As I got near, I could hear what was being said. "I made spaghetti. I hope that's okay," my mom said.

"That's perfect," Liz said.

"What can I get you guys to drink?" I asked. "We have water, coke, tea, and-"

"We'll all have water," Andy answered. "It'll make it easier on you.-- Luke, go help her."

"Alright," Luke responded and walked over to me.

"Follow me," I said to him. He followed behind me and into the kitchen. I grabbed five glasses out of a cabinet. I set them on the counter. "You want to put ice in them?"

Luke looked up from the glasses. "Uh, sure." He carried them over by the fridge and used the dispenser in the door. Every time he finished with a cup, I poured the water into the cups. He picked up two glasses, and I picked up two. "I guess I'll get the extra glass," Luke spoke before picking up the glass.

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