The Forgotten Element

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Anything in italics is a flashback/memory.

Also TW for deadnames.


I had stayed in the group with Lloyd, Nya and Garmadon. We were hiding behind a short wall on top of a strange-looking rooftop, staring down at Chen's palace, plotting the perfect way to save the Ninja. 

The wind blew my h/c hair across my face and I brushed it away impatiently. There were barely any windows, though the few that were there were dark. I looked at them for a long time, trying to catch a glimpse of what was going on inside.

I felt the task was too difficult for me. Chen's army of Cultists blocked every path, and Chen controlled the entire island. I hadn't had as much practice nor training as the others must have had, so I wasn't too great when it came to stealth.

Then again, I'd gotten this far. Still, the thoughts that I had shoved to the back of my mind were flooding forward. I was scared. I couldn't go back to being powerless, and I definitely couldn't let Chen have the power to create anything at will. Imagine how much damage he could do.

Lloyd had been complaining for the majority of the time we were there. He wanted to fight already. Whilst I, on the other hand, was dreading the time the fight would commence. Only one could remain, after all, and with all the power Chen has, he was certain to win.

"He knows I'm coming. But I can't just hide here and do nothing," He complained once more.

Nya was quick to remind him, "We have to wait until nightfall. There's too many."

"And then what?" Lloyd snapped, "Every minute we're out here, he grows more powerful and--"

"Son, Chen grows strong by taking from others. But real power does the opposite. It empowers those around you," Garmadon gave another one of his speeches, "Like the way you've empowered me. We will get you to Chen, and you will destroy his staff."

"But, he's more likely to win if we just stand around," I argued.

Garmadon sighed, "You two's impatience will factor in death of you."

"Well, your 'Wait for it to blow over' mentality will kill us all!" I complained.

Garmadon dismissed me by simply turning away from me. 

"Is your dad always this annoying?" I whispered into Lloyd's ear.

"Pretty much," Lloyd whispered back.

We spent the next few hours trying to distract ourselves. Like usual, I was mostly talking to Lloyd about whatever topic came to mind. We were making jokes about our poor social skills, back when we were younger. 

Then suddenly, I remembered a conversation I had had, when we were about nine and ten. In fact, the conversation was one of the last I had ever had with him.

"So, uh... Y/N, can I tell you something?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah! What's up?"

"I, uhm... Need to say something."

"I know that, idiot. But what do you want to say?"

"I...Think that I..."

I perked my head up.

"L-like you, just a bit..."

"I, uhm..."

"S-Sorry, Y/N, I-I didn't mean to upset you!"

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