Only One Can Remain

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The ferry at last arrived at Chen's island, and a couple of his guests got ready to disembark. 

The Black Ninja stood in wonder, "Look at that!" 

"Awesome," The Red Ninja smiled.

"Let me see!" Karloff shoved him out of the way.

"Do you mind?"

I squeezed in between two of the Ninja, "Sorry," I mumbled.

The island looked like a dream, a place of incredible beauty and grace, whilst also looking like a nightmare. The Ninja took a breath and smiled. 

"Welcome to Chen's Island," A man, who's name I learned to be Clouse, began, "The Tournament of Elements welcomes its fighters."

He glared over at Garmadon, "Master Chen will be pleased you've returned, Sensei Garmadon."

"The pleasure is all mine, Clouse," Garmadon sneered.

"I'm sure it is."

I started walking toward the entrance. The Ninja discussed Garmadon and Chen's history. The only thing in particular I found interesting was the part about the Serpentine war. Chen turned against his own kind.

I felt a strange sense of foreboding as I walked down into the hallway, but thinking that it was just my imagination, I continued to a strange room. I was guided by a sense of purpose and urgency, but I didn't know where I was going.

While I wasn't looking forward to the inevitable awkwardness of finding myself entombed in a room with so many people, I did feel a strange feeling of comfort. Perhaps it was because, for once, I was not alone. All of these people were like me.

"All rise for Master Chen," Clouse announced.

"Welcome to the Tournament of Elements!" Master Chen giggled, "Now everyone can all di--"

The doors slammed shut and gasps could be heard from all over. 

"--rect your attention to me!" He laughed.

Garmadon whispered something to his son. I was too far away to hear it, unfortunately.

"Never before have so many Elemental Fighters been under the same roof!" Chen exclaimed, "I see Master of Fire, Earth, Shadow, Creation, Speed and even a prophesied Green Saviour!"

Chen pointed over toward a gong. "This symbol before you is for the Anacondrai, fiercest Serpentine warrior to ever roam this land. Its creed: 'Only One Can Remain'!"

"What's your obsession with snakes?" I thought aloud. I don't think he heard me, unsurprisingly.

The gong moved aside, revealing a bracket. The Ninja whispered to each other, saying something about not having to face each other.

"Behold, a Jadeblade. Here, it represents life. Obtain it, move on! Allow your opponent to take it, loser!" Chen chuckled, "The rules are simple. Every match will be different. No two fights will be the same. Your powers will keep you in the Tournament. Use it or lose it."

I sighed, "Great."

The Master of Energy looked at me for a moment.

"Hm, what does Karloff win?" Karloff queried.

"Win and stay on the island. Win it all, and you'll receive a lifetime fortunes beyond your wildest dreams, and supply of Master Chen's noodles. But no one is here because of noodle. You want the glory of being the greatest fighter in all of Ninjago!" Chen smiled.

Everyone, except the Ninja, Garmadon and I, cheered violently.

"And what happens if they lose?" Garmadon questioned his excitement.

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