Part 6

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H- He furrows his brows, face reddening in a mix of anger, embarrassment and shame. He is still very much confused, but the giant had a point - no matter if he had been intended to be out cold - don't get near a giants teeth if you don't want to get eaten. He has no words, he knew he would only stumble over them anyway.

His gaze pans to the stairs and he slip and slides a moment as he tries to push himself to his feet. Eugh, everything is so wet and slick now. Disgusting. His boots have trouble finding traction for once. He ends up stumbling forward into the giant for balance, and grimaces. Oh he better not eat him again just because he can barely stand straight...

"Sorry that took a minute, got distracted by a cool bug." Sam announces as they step into the room with a box of tools

The first thing they notice is the giant in the cage - of course - right where he should be, the second thing they note is that he is very much *awake*. Their gaze pans to Isaac stumbling about in the cage and their brows furrow in confusion. "Why are you wet? -" wait, "Why are you in the cage?" they ask even more perplexed.

"I feel I missed something and I'm not sure I want to know..." they word, setting the stuff on the table and warily approaching the cage to attempt to maybe help Isaac out of it. Poor man could barely stand.

C- Daki didn't react much to Isaac using him for balance. He didn't mind it. He was exhausted as it was.

He didn't bother responding to anything. He had his vengeance. Now he just wanted to sleep. He was nervous about how this would play out, though.

H- Isaac pushes away from the giant, stumbling to the door of the cell as if drunk. Warmth swims in his head and every breath is far too much, but he'd rather no one cross into the cage right now.

"Don't ask." He rumbles grumpily, grabbing his gun in passing. He doesn't quite see his knife yet. "But This - is why you don't *feed* these monsters. Gives them too much energy -" he considers saying more, but would rather not talk about his latest experience. He's too exhausted to sound angry.

"What happened?" Sam asks, curious, looking between the two with concern

C- Daki was relieved that Isaac didn't seem to want to talk. He didn't want to scare Sam.

"He don't wanna talk, he don't wan...wanna talk," Daki slurred tiredly, keeping vague. Ugh he was about to pass out.

H- Sam squints at the two, suspicious. "Did you spit on him?" They ask disgusted as they walk Isaac out of the cage.

"Eeeh." They wrinkle their nose, not wanting to tell Isaac how bad he smelled.

"Yes." Isaac answers a little too fast . "Fuckin disgusting."

Sam nods slowly, buying that.

C- Daki faintly heard Isaac's response, and was satisfied with that. Yeah, that sounded like him.

"Cn... we just... get thhhhis overwith already? Tirred..." Daki murmured almost incoherently. Yeah, he could sleep now. He didn't remember closing his eyes, but they were closed now. He wasn't sleeping. He just... needed to rest his eyes a bit...

H- "Sure.." Sam says uncertainly before noting the giants drowziness. Oh, that was good. Nap time for big man.

"It won't take long - or hurt." They assure as they step into the cage with their tools.

Oof, it's spooky being this close to a giant at this size. Scary. They hope he's not faking his drowziness.

Their gaze flicks to the injury on his hand, then over to Isaac accusingly. He simply shrugs and checks his gun, prepared to take action should the giant try the same to Sam.

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