Chapter 30 - The Truth

Start from the beginning

"Angela!" I called when I was almost near her.

"Edward..." she turned and looked at me.

"Hey, Angela! What are you doing here?" I asked. All of a sudden, Angela cried.

"I'm so sorry Edward. I didn't know Bella did that. I'm so sorry." Angela said. I was surprised to see Angela cried. What is she talking about? Was she referring to Bella's rejection for me? Why is she sorry for that? I gave Angela my unused handkerchief. She took it and wiped her tears. I asked her what was wrong and she told me this.

"Edward, I'm the reason why Bella rejected your feelings."

"What? How come you are involved in this? I don't get it."

"Remember the Winter Ball. When someone spiked the drinks..."

"You're the one who did it!?"

"No! No! No! It wasn't me. It was Eric and Mike. I saw Eric with two bottles of alcohol in his car. I stopped him. I took the bottles and emptied them out but I didn't know Mike was also into it. He was the one who successfully spiked the drinks."

"Ok... then what does that have to do with what happened to me and Bella?"

"Tanya..." the moment Angela said her name... I already know it is trouble. Angela continued.

"Tanya has a photo of me that day. It was a photo of me holding the empty bottles. During that moment, I was throwing the bottles away. I didn't know Tanya was there. I even heard she wasn't attending. When classes had resumed, Tanya showed the photo to Bella. She said she'll give the photo to the principal and frame me unless Bella stays away from you. Bella knows how much an expulsion will affect me and my academic standing so she gave in to Tanya's demands. I'm sorry Edward. I really didn't know a thing. I only found out a week ago when she sent me a package and letter to me."

I was so surprised. I didn't know how to react to that. Before I could even think of something to say, Angela pulled out a book from her bag and gave it to me.

"It's from Bella. It's her journal. She wants me to give it to you. She said that she wanted you to read it. I'm really sorry Edward. I'm so sorry. I knew you like Bella more than a friend. I can really tell. Just so you know, it was hard for Bella to stay away from you. She was so unhappy when she stayed away from you. She hadn't smile since then. There are also times that I see her cry. I'm really sorry."

"It's ok, Angela. It wasn't your fault. You, me and Bella are all victims here." I finally said.

"Thank you, Edward. I also hope you forgive Bella." After she said that, Angela left.

I looked at Bella's journal in my hand. I know I should be reading this but I was already too overwhelmed with the information I received from Angela. I got in my car, started the engine and drove off. Tonight, I'll read the journal and find some answers.


I went to my room. I had just finished dinner and I am already dressed for bed. When I sat on my bed, I reached for my nightstand to get Bella's journal. I was still thinking if I will read it now. It's only seven in the evening. I looked at Bella's journal again. It's just black. Oh Bella, why did you have to give me this? What do you want me to know? Before I knew it, I already opened it. The first thing I saw was a sticky note. It says...

Read the only ones with yellow highlights -B

I immediately scanned the pages for some highlighted words. The first few pages do not contain any highlights. But when I reached Entry 21, I found some highlights. This is what was written...

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