Chapter 12

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"Honey, I'll be gone for a while but I'll be back for you, I promise,"

All I did was stare, not because her words held truth, but because of that look in her eyes. She was certain and I knew she wasn't going to leave me, ever. I watched closely as her eyes faltered and was replaced with a longing look. My toddler self at the time was oblivious to the fact that this wasn't a perfect world, and everyone lied. But don't ask me if that look never made me think, curiosity was a haunting thing. Ever since then I've thought nonstop about that look, what could it mean? I didn't have to think no more I somehow knew.

I watched as her figure drifted behind the mysterious door and then with a 'thud' I knew she was gone for the time being. No matter where she went she always had that saying with her. "I'll be back for you, I promise," And she was true to her word, never once failed. But after the accident it, was like I was living in my mind, everything felt so surreal so dreamlike.

I guess you can say I felt like I was in between dreamlike state and the real thing. I just didn't want to except that this was my life now, that this is my new kind of real.

Apart of me always felt this profound hatred to her, and that made me loathe myself for feeling such things. She was my mother and I love her but these feelings I felt just seemed so out of my control. I guess it's just a sense of abandonment, even though she really didn't abandon me. The dealing with constant emotions are what I try to limit. The pain, confusion, neglect, and this sudden...


I get so angry and so hurt that it sometimes blind me from reality. And I began creating a mental picture of a perfect family. A caring mother, a hardworking father, and a loving daughter. Sometimes I like to imagine I am on one of those comedy series like, the Brady bunch or sister sister's. But I'm not. And it hits me like a cold slab of concrete.

"Nora, just open up!" The door wobbled from the force of his fist and I began cursing slightly. I wasn't stupid, I know Blake went with someone. But the unusual thing about it is I couldn't catch any scent on him, it's almost as if she was never there. I went through four days being mercilessly stabbed in the heart, the pain varied on how many times he slept with her. So I felt it all and Lord knows it was the most horrendous thing I've felt in my entire life.

But I pushed aside my built up betrayal and opened the door with ease. His face had a pink taint and I could only assume that he was flustered. "Nora. So I wanted to talk to you," I narrowed my eyes and made sure my face held disgust. "Say something,"

"I have nothing to say to you." I mumbled, over the past four days I've become really numb to everything which I find really different. It's like a hole in the pit of your stomach and it won't leave. "I wanted to talk to you about mates, and how sometimes we use mimicry to pose as someone else's mate," What the hell is this idiot talking about?

"Blake. I don't have time with your nonsense. Mimicry?A year ago, I didn't know werewolves were real and a year ago you 'claimed' I was your mate and now you're saying, I used mimicry? Do you hear yourself?" I was curious as to who lead him to that bullshit. He seemed so persuaded and it frightened me. He was never like this. He's starting to become more like a crazed lunatic.

"Well it could've been reversed. I could've used it on you and you got the wrong idea..." He trailed off, eyes completely widened on the walls as he whispered to himself "... That would explain why you kissed me and why you-"

"Get the hell out," He stop looking around and his enlarged eyes landed on mine. I widened my eyes mockingly and pointed down the hall. He turned sharply and began whispering under his breath.

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