Your Not That Dangerous (Luca x Hunter's Daughter Reader)

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This made the girl surprised how strange yet adorable Luca looked.

"Santa Bolognese...y-you-"

Luca stopped her before she's gonna expose him to her people.

"A sea monster yes...please don't kill me! I mean no harm! I just saw this and I wanna give it back to you...that's all I did...please don't turn me into those tuna in a can!" He panicked out with words but the girl begin to question and shrugged it off.

"We'll...first of all, I bless you for doing so...second of all, I'd never do that to you...and third of all...I was gonna say that you are beautiful." She said with a soft blush which made the sea boy flush a deep blue...

"B-beautiful...?" He questioned and the girl nodded.

"You know..I've never seen a sea monster up close ...your not so scary or threatening like those stories people tell back at home." She leaned close from the edge of the boat to get a better look at Luca, almost admiring him with interest.

"W-well...I'd say the same thing with you land monsters...your not so dangerous like how my parents say you are." The two giggled and looked back at one another.

To break the awkward silence. "I never got your name, sorry for asking so soon." She giggled nervously while tilting her head a bit.

"Luca Paguro, and you?" He comes a little closer to place his hand on the boat.

"Y/n L/n, Piacere." She leans in to kiss his cheek which made Luca's face turned full blue.

"You seem really nice, we should hang out sometimes." She states and he agrees dearly, maybe he'd get to learn about her life and she'll learn his! Maybe they'd have something in common!

Sadly the time is up...why? Because Y/n heard a horn coming from another boat, which is her fathers heading towards her.

"Mio Dio! Mi pappa!" She begin to freak out and looked down at Luca.

"I guess you should be going now, huh?" Luca asked in worry and Y/n looked over at her father not paying attention but is fixing up his music player. She looked back down at him.

"Let's meet up by the shore behind the rocks, later tomorrow." She smiled and Luca nodded "I won't forget! Tomorrow at noon!"

Y/n giggled and lean in to kiss his cheek again. "Ciao Luca~" she placed her book down and row herself to her father and Luca swam back down to the goatfish, feeling happy inside his heart, finally befriended a human!!

Would this change history between sea monsters and land monsters! Coming together and end the fight and slaughtering?

"I can't wait to tell Giuseppe about this!" He said to himself.

Back at the surface. Y/n waved at her father which he looks suspicious already.

"Who were you talking to principessa?" He asked and she gulped, looking down and back to him.

"My book...sometimes I do that" she giggled nervously and he raised an eyebrow.

"...alright then. Hope you didn't see any sea monsters...if you do. I'd kill them for trying to hurt my baby girl..." he held the harpoon in his arm and placed it near his fishnets.

Y/n gulped and nodded quickly. "S-si pappa."

So she went back to shore and is feeling worried when her father finding out she actually did meet a sea monster...yet a sweet and kind one who immediately stole her heart.

"I have to be careful..." she said to herself.

—Back in the ocean—

"Luca! You are 15 minutes later, where have you been?" Daniella asked with worried, making sure her son isn't hurt or injured.

"Did the land monsters get you?" She continued to question and Luca sighed.

"No mom, Giuseppe was being a little party pooper and swam around and I tried to catch him." Luca made up a reasonable lie so he wouldn't be in too much trouble after meeting Y/n.

"Okay..I'll buy that know how dangerous land monsters are...made to kill us and turn us into canned tuna."

Luca felt worried that his mom is gonna find out soon that he actually met a land monster which he already felt a connection...

He couldn't wait to see her again tomorrow!


There's gonna be a part 2 but I wanna add another request to be part of this fun story.

Hope you lil beans wouldn't mind :3

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