Do You Trust Me? (Giulia x Outcast Reader)

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Giulia has an interested in you, she decides to ask you out after school!

However how do you feel about all this?

A little backstory about this Outcast's based on me back in school...I wasn't liked by students, teachers, all because I dressed strange...I was baby talked, sat in the back, drawing and just not be part of popularity...I think this'll be good for this one shot.

Both of you and Giulia are 15


Sitting in class alone while sketching on your sketchbook...waiting for class to start in the next 10 one really cared when you come early...heck! No one really liked you!

Because one what you wear, not know what's in your head most of the time...thinking your a threat to the school...

No...your just too shy...teachers would shout at you and baby talk you all because you have a quiet voice...

While sketching little doodles on a comic you didn't care all that much.

You heard someone walk inside the classroom.

"Ciao Signora!"

It was just Giulia, she's pretty much like you. Instead of shy and quiet. She's loud and proud.

"Yes...Ciao Giulia, early are we...?"

You looked down knowing your own teacher doesn't even see you at all...

"Sí, thought of just coming in. Not be surrounded by people in the halls."

She walked over to her seat...until she spotted you looking down.

(Giulia's PoV)

Aww it's Y/n! Such a sweet girl she really is!

You know...I always wanted to walk up to her and possibly start a friendship!

Or maybe a relationship...A-anyways! Maybe I could have the chance to speak to her finally!

I got up from my seat and head up to her, saw her drawing really cool sketches!

Wow! She's better than Alberto's! No offense bro...

Just act cool Giulia.

"Buongiorno Y/n! How are you?" I asked while smiling sweetly down at her.

She looks up at me and it appears there's a hint of rouge around her cheeks.

That had to be the most adorable thing I've ever seen her do...

"C-Ciao Giulia..."

My heart just skipped a beat...Santa Mozzarella can do this!!! Just ask her out and if she denies then I gave it my shot!!

"Say uh! Are you doing anything later after school?"

Be patient ragazza...

"Not really...just study and maybe read..."

Hmm...I could see it in her expression...well! Im gonna change it for her!!

"How about we study together at my place? I think it'll be fun!"

Well at least I asked her out...

(Y/n's POV)

Is she asking me to study with her at her house..?

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