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,,What the hell is going on? Gorou why are you crying?"

Asked Itto who just arrived. Today was a busy day for the Oni so he just wanted to come home and cuddle with his partner but now he finds him here crying.

,,Uhm Hello? Could you answer me please? Oh- No hell man Kazuha the heck are you doing here?!"

Said Aratakki while he walked up to Gorou. He pressed the crying General tightly against his well built chest.

,,What did he do?"

He asked and Gorou just continued crying. Itto was about to hit Kazuha out of anger but Gorou stopped him by holding his hand.

,,No please"

Kazuha stood up.

,,I can't believe you're here! Why? Don't you think you ruined enough? Fuck Kazuha you're ruining Gorous life! While you were out in Liyue enjoying you're life he was suffering and he almost cried everyday. Aren't you feeling guilty?"

,,Hey Itto it's okay let's just go hom-"

said Gorou to calm his partner down but Itto interrupted him.

,,No we're not going anywhere not until I punch him as hard as you suffered! He deserves it!"
,,Please let's go home stop it"
,,Let him I deserve it you're right. I don't know why I'm even here..."

Kazuha was feeling extremely dumb and he regretted that he came back. What is he doing? Why is he doing all of this?
Because he's feeling guilty. But also because he truly missed Gorou and of course loved him but this love doesn't have a future. He knew it. He knew it but he still came back. After all the time that had passed he haven't changed a bit. Nor Gorou or Itto. It seemed like the time stoped. The time stoped since that very day...

,,I'm sorry..."

,,Sorry?! Fuck Kazuha do you want to get punched so bad huh?"

,,I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I don't don't what to say I-I just can't deal with his dead everything was so hard for me and I let that out on everyone. Especially on you Gorou please forgive me I wasn't doing this on purpose! You have to believe me"

Kazuha fell down on his knees. He looked like he was praying. Gorou watched him silently.

,,I miss him I just miss him so much I can't do this anymore I just want to die! I want to change everything why ?why? Why did this happen?"

He screamed and slammed his hands against his own head.

Itto wasn't sure what to do. He already knew a lot about Kazuhas past but he wasn't aware of the fact that the death of his friend affected him this much. Now he was the one who was feeling guilty for overreacting this much.

,,Hey both of you calm down"
said the Oni and grabbed Kazuha by his collar then he put him next to Gorou.
,,I want you both to talk this shit out okay?"
Gorou nodded and Itto left the scene quietly.

Kazuha was interrupted. Gorou almost jumped in his arms. He hugged him tightly. Their chests were pressed against each other. Kazuha of course returned the sudden hug. Both of them felt the warm of the other.

Kazuha closed his eyes and pressed Gorou even tighter against his body. Gorous sobs were the only thing he could hear but he could feel their hearts beating in sync. The General inhaled Kazuhas scent and gave him small kisses on his exposed skin.

,,I missed you a lot"

Said the General. While his tail was slowly wiggling from right to left. Kazuha smiled gently and rubbed the Generals ears.

,,I also missed you Gorou...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for everything-"

,,It's okay you don't need to apologize. Let's just forget about all that. I'm so thankful that you're here. Kazuha i love you i still love you don't you ever leave me again"

,,I won't I promise"


Itto smiles slightly as he watched those lovebirds. He knew. He knew all along that Gorou wasn't in love with him but he still had hope. Now his hope got crushed. But he wasn't feeling angry or sad. He was feeling happy. Gorou finally reunited with the one he truly loved.

Itto could feel the Generals happiness and that made him smile even more.

,,I hope you treat him well Bro. I wish y'all the best of luck"


To be continued


Cute fluff...for how long tho?
Just to remind y'all this story ends in a few chapters.

Have a great day/night

Starry night//KazuGorouजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें