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,,What the hell was that?"

Said Gorou after he returned to his home. He now life's in a small house with his new partner.
A lot changed since Kazuha left he knew that but he also knew that the wanderer was right. He was indeed happy to see the white haired again.

He was mad and angry and of course depressed as soon as Kazuha left because he never had the chance to say goodbye but why isn't he angry right now? Why is his heart beating like crazy? Why are his cheeks as red as a tomato and why is he sweating? All of these things made him confused.

,,I need to calm down"

He murmured to himself and drank a cup of tea. He tried to relax a bit but all he could think of was Kazuha.

,,Why cant you just leave my mind...why are you even here?"

He let out a small whimper and a single tear rolled down his cheek. It was to much for him to handle at the moment. He was almost sure his feelings for Kazuha we're gone but now? He isn't sure anymore. This warm and fuzzy feeling is back...
He knows it.
His heart still belongs to him.
Even after so many days and months passed. Everyday he thought of him, missed him and remembered the things they did together. He never really left his mind.

Yes he his in a new relationship now but it's nothing in comparison with the feelings he had and still has for Kazuha. He likes his new partner but to like and love someone are two different things everybody knows that.

Speaking of the devil his partner arrived after a long day of dealing with his gang.
Gorou stood up and was forced to put up a smile.

,,Hey Puppy how was you're day?"

,,It was good what about you Itto? Are you hungry?"


To be continued


What do y'all think of Gorous new partner hehe

Starry night//KazuGorouWhere stories live. Discover now