Jesper could have collapsed with relief as Wylan took a shaky breath and, opening his eyes, met the ground, where the perfect mark of a bullet lay, just inches away from Wylan. It was then that their eyes met, and tears sprang to Wylan's eyes as he saw Jesper.

But Wylan's eyes weren't the only ones watching him. Whilst the other Crows were still clocking the fact that Wylan still had a beating heartbeat Kaz was glaring at him, a look of regret on his face. So was Van Eck. Their eyes also met and Jesper stood tall, hoping that every thought, every bad word and curse and insult and threat was reflected in his gaze. If Wylan couldn't hate his father then Jesper would certainly.

Van Eck grinned. "Well, well. It seems we still have a slight problem, Mr Brekker."

There it was. The bombshell that made Jesper's relief fizzle out. Van Eck was never aiming at his son in the first place; he merely wanted to see if Wylan was still valuable to the Crows. And Jesper had just proved it. No wonder Kaz looked like he wanted to wring his neck.

Just as he thought it, Kaz sighed. "So what's your plan here, Jan. are you going to kill us all, because when I tell you we will make it difficult for you I am not exaggerating." He hissed.

"Oh my, you really do take me for the worst!" Van Eck laughed. "I'm not going to kill you. And I admire your narcissism but I have eyes in the sky, Brekker. I hope you will remember that."

Kaz paled as he took in Van Eck's words. What did that mean?

Jesper didn't have time to think about it as Van Eck sighed boredly. "Well, go on then. Why is my moron son so precious to you? I'm sure he weaved up some poor sob story to make you pity him, but for your benefit I wouldn't believe a word of it."

"He told me he had access to good explosive recipes. Told me he would build them in exchange for his life. I wasn't going to at first but then Scales began stirring up trouble and I thought I would use it to my advantage. He was useful for a while."

At this Van Eck narrowed his eyes. "My son is neither 'useful' nor an 'advantage'. He is a thick-brained idiot without the ability to comprehend something someone half his age can do in their sleep!" He snarled, grabbing Wylan's hair. "Did you tell them, Wylan, why you were disgraced in the first place? Why I will never let you back into my home unless it's your ashes in an urn? He is an illiterate dunce, Mr Brekker, and will always be. He is worth nothing to anyone."

Wylan winced and crumbled as Van Eck released him, not bothering to wipe the tears from his face. He didn't dare look at any of the Crows, though half of them already knew why he had been disgraced. They all looked at him in pity, and it made Jesper flare up in anger, as that would be the last thing Wylan would want. Jesper understood now; someone like Wylan wanted to be remembered for the things they could do, not what they couldn't. But Van Eck would never see that.

Wylan peered up at his father through his dishevelled curls. "Father, I-"

He was silenced by the harsh palm of Van Eck's hand that sent him back to the ground. "Shut it." He hissed.

Jesper strained to hear Wylan's next words, but when he did they broke his heart.

"I'm sorry." Wylan whispered.

Van Eck ignored him and straightened his brooch, ignoring his son. "Now Brekker, it seems we have some negotiations to attend to. After all, it was you that called this meeting, wasn't it?"

What?! The words barely registered in Jesper's head. What did Van Eck mean?

Kaz nodded, as if he knew exactly what was being discussed. "Yes, it was."

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