You took a few pills that you stole and swallowed them, you got under your covers and then slit your wrists, you then closed your eyes and waited to die, eventually you did.

When the crusaders arrived they knocked on the door and no one answered, they knocked again, still nothing, they opened the door and saw you laying on your bed, under the covers with your back facing the door.

"is she seriously sleeping? At this kind of hour?" kakyoin asked, Jotaro came up to you and shook you

"wake up" he said, you didn't respond, he shook you again, still nothing, at this point everyone was getting impatient so he ripped the covers off of you and their eyes immediately widen at the sight of you laying in a pool of your own blood, they immediately called for a doctor but it was already too late.

When they broke the news to Holly she broke down crying, she yelled at them, cursed at them, punched them, blamed them for your death... I mean she wasn't wrong.

You on the other hand reunited with dio, he asked you how did you die and you started crying and told him what you did.

"w-why did you do it?" he asked you.

"I couldn't take it anymore! It was so painful I just wanted some peace, I wanted the pain to go away!" you said as you sobbed in his arms.

"who hurt you?" he asked in a serious tone, and you started explaining everything, he was beyond pissed!! After you started to calm down he left and went to talk with a blue haired man.

"your fucking descendants are the reason why my daughter is right here right now!!" dio yelled

"what do you mean?" Jonathan asked.

"after I died your descendants started insulting my child and treated her like she was the one who hurt your family! The foundation members of that blonde moron insulted her too!! Then her whole school turned against her after they found out about my past!!" dio yelled, Jonathan was speechless... His descendants did something like that? They disappointed him so much.

"don't you have anything to say!?" dio yelled.

"I don't know what to say... And I'm not gonna try to justify their actions... What they did was horrible, they drove a child to her death... I'm truly disgusted" Jonathan said

"as you should be!" dio said and then left.

Around 3 years after your death something changed in the afterlife, you were allowed to visit the living world, when you first went through there you ended up in an unknown alley, when you got there you saw two guys, one with green hair and one with Grey hair, and a girl that was unconscious, you also saw that the green haired man had a stand too.

"what are you doing to her?" you asked and they turned and looked at you.

"we're trying to see if she's an enemy" the green haired guy said.

"it's no use, this girl is a ghost, I can feel it" you said, the short boy kinda freaked out.

"and who are you?" the green haired guy asked.

"my name is (y/n), I'm also a ghost but I mean no harm to you, I just had a chance to visit the living world thanks to this alley" you said

"uh... How old where you when you died?" the short guy asked.

"10...i died around 3 years ago" you said

"oh... What was the cause of your death?" the green haired guy asked.

"suicide" you said... There was some loud silence after what you said.

"you were so young... Why did you do it?" the girl suddenly spoke and the guys looked at her.

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